Key Takeaways:

  1. Candidate-Centric Approach: Learn how to shift the power dynamic in your favor as a job seeker.
  2. Superpower Identification: Discover how to pinpoint and leverage your unique skill set for career advancement.
  3. Building Your Community: Understand the importance of creating a supportive professional network.

GetSetUp is thrilled to host John Tarnoff, a distinguished career transition coach, speaker, and author, for an insightful session titled "Guest Speaker: John Tarnoff - Exploring Income Avenues." John's vast experience, including his tenure as a film producer, studio executive, and tech entrepreneur, brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to his session.

Older adults have a dilemma. They are going to be living longer and are the first generation to need to decide how they want to spend these extra years. According to John, statistically, if you are 65 today, you have a better than 25% chance to live past 90, and every year you age beyond 65 improves those odds. So, if you are going to aim to retire at 60, do you want to spend a third of your life in retirement? 

John believes that there is a paradigm shift around the last third to half of life going on now. And all of the modalities that people grew up with are out the window because there are longer lifespans and greater health. Unfortunately, there is a lack of guidance about how to live during this period, and many are getting edged out of work at the same time. So John has spent the last 10-12 years coming up with strategies for people to thrive in this new lifestyle modality. 

John's Unique Career Perspective

John stands out with his employee, entrepreneur, and freelancer background, diverging from the typical HR-centric approach to career development and coaching. His focus is on empowering the candidate by encouraging professionals to attract opportunities rather than chasing them.

“I do not have the employer-centric approach to career, where you try to fit yourself into a job description. My approach is to be candidate-centric and let work opportunities come to you by shifting the power dynamic.”

Three Pillars of Career Reinvention

John’s approach focuses on three core pillars, which he will elaborate on further in his session. 

  1. Define Your Superpower: Hone a specific skill set that delivers tangible results so you can focus on your strongest abilities and craft a compelling narrative around them.
  2. Build a Community of Shared Interests: Move beyond traditional networking and create a community where mutual support leads to uncovering hidden job opportunities and achieving career goals. ”It’s more than networking; it's creating a community. A network will stand by and watch you fail, a community will step in and help you succeed.  The community is a smaller subset of people who have your back, and you have their back.” 
  3. Develop a Professional Brand Through Thought Leadership: Establish a professional brand through proactive engagement in industry discussions and advocating for issues that resonate with your work and vision.

John's Approach to Staying Active and Relevant

John maintains his health and well-being by integrating regular physical activity into his routine, reflecting his belief in a holistic approach to career and life.

In business, John continuously updates his LinkedIn profile, staying current and relevant in his field. He advocates for embracing one’s age (not hiding it), using positive language, and building trust through authenticity.

“I try to walk my talk by constantly revising my LinkedIn profile, researching, and looking for ways that people are reinventing themselves in the market and building thought-leader practice around these issues.”

The Importance of Lifelong Learning

John, a self-proclaimed tech geek, emphasizes the importance of staying curious and open to new learning opportunities. This mindset is crucial in adapting to the ever-changing job market and for personal growth.

“I firmly believe in a learning approach to life. A growth mindset is essential. I was fortunate to have had a mother who was a growth mindset person to her dying day.” 

Why Attend John's Session?

John's session offers invaluable insights for older adults grappling with the challenges and opportunities of longer careers and healthier lives. He provides strategies and reframes for those over 50 facing dilemmas in the current job market and beyond.

“Come see my talk to learn. There is such a temptation to be negative, but positivity is important. My approach, like GetSetUp, is intrinsically positive and constructive. I focus on staying productive by identifying where people can make their most useful contributions to their profession. That usefulness makes sure they can continue to find meaningful work and the achieve the satisfaction and contribution that goes with it.” 

Join us for John Tarnoff's session, "Exploring Income Avenues," and embark on a journey to redefine your professional path. Learn how to leverage your experience, build a supportive community, and create a personal brand that opens doors to new opportunities.

Feb 8, 2024
Financial Planning

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