Frequently asked questions

How big is your catalog of classes?

We have a library of over 5,000+ titles of classes ranging in duration from 20 minutes to 60 minutes.On average, we add 350 new classes every week.

Can we pick and choose programs or classes that are relevant to our members?

Yes, one of the unique features of our tech platform is the ability for partners to curate programs or individual classes. You can add and remove programs during the year.

Would I get data on usage?

Yes, we offer our standard reports which include aggregate data on consumption of classes to help you customize classes and content according to user preferences.

Does it require IT work?

We offer 2 options:
Hosted by GetSetUp – we set up a branded e-learning Hub on our platform.
Hosted by you – we can embed a branded e-learning Hub on your platform.

Has GetSetUp worked with the population covered under MLTSS

Yes, GetSetUp has worked with over 50 AAA's and Departments of Aging in 32 states providing one or all services listed in our programs to members who are eligible for MLTSS.

What formats do you create?

We create content in multiple formats listed below
Long form video - 30-60 min classes
Medium form video - 5-10 min
Shorts - 1-5 min (TikTok, Reels format,Youtube Shorts)
Articles - Educational content
Guidebooks - Multi page PDF

Who is responsible for developing content?

The GetSetUp team is responsible for the development and training. Our team of experts work closely with your team to curate classes that meet the needs of your organization.

How much does it cost to produce custom class/content?

Costs are customized and depend on several factors like creators, duration of the content, format (Live Stream/ Studio Produced) etc.

What are the qualifications of your instructors?

Our instructors, known as Guides, are certified experts in their respective fields, ensuring high-quality and reliable content creation.

Do we get to pick the creator we want to work with?

We strive to match creators who best represent your brand; however, the final decision rests with the creators in selecting assignments.

Do you work with agencies for marketing campaigns?

We work with your agency of choice to make sure your campaigns are streamlined.