70-year old breast cancer survivor spreads hope and positivity

70-year old breast cancer survivor spreads hope and positivity
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When 70-year-old Manorama Mehta was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019, it changed her life. She quickly learned that staying positive during her recovery helped her cope with the challenges of cancer.

“I realized there is no point in delaying the inevitable. We got my mammogram and sonogram done. Upon further investigation and biopsy, it was detected that I indeed had breast cancer. The doctor suggested that I get the operation done without further delay.”

Staying Positive with Support from Loved Ones

Manorama found it difficult to accept her diagnosis, especially after her sister had been diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017. However, the support of her friends and family gave her the strength to stay positive throughout her treatment.

“On the day of the operation, when I got admitted, my friends and siblings came to see me and cheer me up. I was very calm and remained positive throughout. We spent the whole morning laughing in the hospital room. I went in for my mastectomy at 4 PM with a smile and constant prayers. In no time I was back in the recovery room.”

The love and care from her family played a crucial role in her recovery.

“My older daughter used to hold my hand and made me do the exercises very patiently. She used to bathe me and do my dressing. My son was by my side throughout and also gave a lot of strength to my husband.”

Tips on Coping with Cancer

Manorama believes that strength and positivity are key to overcoming adversity. She shares several tips for dealing with cancer:

  • Stay Positive: Remind yourself that you are strong enough to fight this. You are not the first, and you are not alone.
  • Find a Hobby: Engage in activities like Mandala art, music, dance, or knitting to help you relax.
  • Reach Out to Family and Friends: Nurture relationships by being open and communicating your true feelings.
  • Stay Active: Gentle yoga routines can improve strength and combat fatigue. Always consult a doctor or physical therapist before starting any physical activity.

Recovering from Cancer with GetSetUp

It has been three years since Manorama’s surgery. While she still cannot lift objects heavier than a kilo, she continues to challenge herself every day. She believes that staying positive and trusting in herself and God played a significant role in her recovery.

"Since the cancer was detected at an early stage, chemotherapy and radiation were not necessary. I would insist all women must get their check-ups done regularly so that they can beat cancer without the pain and effects of chemotherapy and radiation."

Even in recovery, Manorama finds ways to challenge herself and stay active, thanks to the GetSetUp community.

"I have been a regular member of GetSetUp for the last six months and it has been an inspiration for me. Today I can walk up to 3 km, I can do yoga for an hour. It makes me feel so happy. I also do my arm exercises daily, without fail."