Art, Music, and Wellness: Lindsay's Journey with GetSetUp

Art, Music, and Wellness: Lindsay's Journey with GetSetUp
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Lindsay, a 79-year-old retired librarian from Arkadelphia, Arkansas, has always been a lifelong learner. Her journey with GetSetUp began during the pandemic when she received an email from SilverSneakers and started with a class called "10 Seconds of Calm," which she continues to do today.

"GetSetUp has been a gift for me," she says, reflecting on the immense benefits she has gained, particularly during that difficult time.

GetSetUp then became part of her routine. Lindsay's enthusiasm for learning remains undiminished.

"I’m 79 years young in my head," she proudly states, "though my body tells me otherwise."

She uses her Medicare Advantage health plan to maintain her body through exercise; however, the GetSetUp classes have transformed her daily routine and helped her explore new avenues for creativity and social connection.

Discovering New Passions

Lindsay's first ventures into GetSetUp included Sue's travel classes and Cindy's Kahoot games, which she loves for keeping her mind sharp. However, it was Deana's art classes that made a profound impact.

"I never considered myself an artist, and I failed art in 8th grade," Lindsay recalls. Encouraged by the GetSetUp community, she joined Deana’s class and discovered a love for colored pencils and Zentangles.

"It has been so freeing and transformative," she shares. "I love it when Guide Deana examines artists and their attributes to give us some perspective. It’s nice to see what other artists do and understand why they do it."

Music and Poetry: New Creative Outlets

Music and poetry also became integral parts of Lindsay's life through GetSetUp. Mike Smith’s sessions, where he combines music and poetry, are among her favorites.

"He helps us to listen and soak in the music and poetry," Lindsay explains. "He started a class on how to write poetry, and now I have made a few poetic contributions of my own. Every month, I look forward to what Mike, Deana, Sue, and Cindy teach."

Lindsay feels that she has gained more appreciation now for diverse genres of music and her creative talents.

Building Connections and Confidence

Through GetSetUp, Lindsay has made meaningful connections.

"We have fun in classes, and I've made some friends that are now friends on Facebook, and we message each other," she says.

This sense of community at GetSetUp has been crucial for Lindsay, especially in isolating times.

"I love the community that I have through GetSetUp. . . plus I found GetSetUp’s support to be really responsive, and I have really appreciated that," she says.

This all-around community support has helped her gain confidence in areas she once found challenging.

"The best benefits of GetSetUp are my improved outlook, mindfulness, and confidence in doing things that were challenges before, like art."

The partnership between SilverSneakers and GetSetUp has been instrumental in Lindsay's wellness journey. She continues to use SilverSneakers for mindfulness and exercise classes and complements them with the creativity, community, and diverse offerings on GetSetUp.

Join Lindsay and many others in discovering new passions and building a supportive community with GetSetUp!