Brian’s Artistic Journey with GetSetUp and His Medicare Advantage Plan Retirement

Brian’s Artistic Journey with GetSetUp and His Medicare Advantage Plan  Retirement
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Brian and his wife recently moved to Fairhaven, Massachusetts, and he retired from his role as an operating room nurse on Cape Cod in August. With his newfound time, Brian was eager to pursue his hobbies and passions. While exploring activities available on his Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan, Brian discovered he had access to GetSetUp.

“I started taking some classes at the local senior center, but they were $18 a class, which was getting expensive,” Brian explained.

“Then, while exploring the perks of our Medicare Advantage Plan, GetSetUp came up, and I’ve been taking classes like crazy ever since!”

Finding a New Creative Outlet

One of Brian’s favorite discoveries on GetSetUp has been art classes with instructor Deana

“I’ve gotten hooked on her classes. She’s like a friend you’ve known forever,” he said. 

Through the various media and Zentangle classes, Brian has found new skills to augment his passion for creating art that he had never thought he’d try.

 “I’ve never done watercolors before, but Deana explains the basics, tells you what supplies you need, and makes it so easy. She’s so patient and never makes you feel bad if you screw up.”

Brian’s new love of art has extended beyond learning—it’s become a source of joy and a way to share his creations with others. 

“I’ve made watercolor Birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas cards. I am also doing my first craft fair using some of the ideas and skills I’ve learned,” he said. 

Brian also enhances his birdhouses, a long-time hobby, with techniques picked up in class, including incorporating Zentangles and other techniques into his designs. Incorporating his new artistic techniques, Brian has even added a new income stream by starting to sell his birdhouses and watercolor cards at craft fairs.

“It’s been fun, and I’ve been spoiled taking all these classes on acrylics, pastels, watercolors, and pencils,” he shared.

Expanding Hobbies and Learning Together

While art is his primary focus, Brian has explored other GetSetUp classes with his wife, including yoga and travel-based sessions.  

“We do yoga classes together, and when doing the art classes, we use screen mirroring on the TV to enhance the experience,” he shared. 

Travel classes have also piqued Brian’s interest, especially those that combine history, architecture, and art. 

“We enjoyed a class on Columbus, Indiana, and plan to go there in the near future.”

“I did classes on several artists like Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso, and  Frida Kahlo where the instructor Deana discussed their history and had us do a painting using their specific techniques.  We also watched a wonderful class on the history of the “Mona Lisa” They’ve all been so fascinating. 

Brian appreciates the flexibility GetSetUp offers, especially the ability to watch classes on-demand.

“I like that you can watch the classes again if you miss something, and there’s no pressure. You can go at your own pace, and I never feel rushed,” he said. 

This flexibility allows Brian to revisit his favorite lessons and pick up new skills whenever they fit into his schedule.

Creativity and Community

 For Brian, GetSetUp is more than just a learning platform—it’s a way to stay socially and mentally active

“It’s fantastic. I imagine it’s good for your brain health, keeps you engaged and active, and it’s like being in a classroom with interaction,” he noted. 

Even when Brian’s wife isn’t directly participating, she enjoys listening in. 

“She’s usually in the background, and she just listens. She enjoys it too.”

Looking Ahead 

While Brian has already gained so much from GetSetUp, he’s eager to see the platform add even more classes. 

“I’d love more classes on Getsetup. Instructors like  Deana are the reason I keep coming back,” he said. 

He’s also interested in seeing topics like pet training, drawing animals and people, and architecture-related drafting or pen-and-ink classes. 

“It’d be nice to have a Christmas or holiday Zentangle class,” he suggested.

Brian feels fortunate to have access to such an incredible resource through his Medicare Advantage plan. 

“It’s been fantastic, and I feel spoiled by all the opportunities to learn and create,” he said. 

For Brian, GetSetUp has been a source of inspiration, connection, and creativity in this exciting new chapter of life.

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