Cold water swimming with Carina

Cold water swimming with Carina
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Carina, a 65-year-old from Canada, embodies the spirit of a lifelong learner. A few years ago, her New Year's resolution was to say yes to everything. So, when a friend mentioned the benefits of cold water swimming, Carina jumped in.

"I live on the small island of Galiano off the coast of Canada. There are around 1,000 residents, many artists or writers who visit, and no swimming pools to be seen. And I love to swim, so I've started to swim in the ocean."

Inspired by Wim Hof, known for his record-breaking ice contact and ice swimming feats, Carina discovered the many benefits of cold water therapy, including improved stress management, reduced inflammation, boosted immunity, increased energy, better skin, enhanced focus, improved sleep, and a better mood. Now, Carina swims nearly every day, whether the water is 45°F in winter or 60°F in summer.

"The first time I swam in sub 50°F water, I thought I was crazy and about to die. But then I learned Wim Hof breathing techniques and figured out my stamina. Now I'm hooked. After a few minutes in freezing water, your body releases endorphins to give you a high. I've done marathons and triathlons, and those runners' highs are nothing compared to ice swimming highs. It's fantastic."

Embracing Challenges and New Skills

According to Carina, the key to cold water swimming is just to do it. Jump in and you won't regret it. If swimming feels too daunting, start with cold showers and ice baths. Sometimes, splashing into the waves is the best way. Carina usually swims for twenty minutes to an hour, depending on the water temperature. Staying too long in the cold can lead to hypothermia, so finding the right balance is essential. Carina will share these insights in her upcoming class, Cold Water Swimming for Every-Body.

As a former yoga instructor of 25 years and a flight attendant for 35 years, Carina has seen and experienced the world. Inspired by her fearless New Year’s resolution, she is not only cold water swimming but also writing newsletters for a local social club. Despite finding the task intimidating, Carina said yes and is now learning new skills to create fabulous layouts and intriguing pieces.

"My mom is my inspiration to stay active and try new things. She's 95 and incredible. Up until her hip issues a few years ago, she kayaked, walked, and cycled all of the time. Even now, she lives independently and never complains. She's just a go-getter and reminds me that we are here for a finite time. Life is a gift for us to live to the fullest. And that's what I plan to do: keep living life to the fullest."

Lifelong Learning with GetSetUp

GetSetUp has played a significant role in Carina's journey of lifelong learning and embracing new experiences. Through the platform, she has found opportunities to grow, learn, and share her passions with others. Whether it's diving into cold water swimming or mastering new skills for her social club, Carina continues to live life to the fullest with the support of GetSetUp.

*Authored by Jordan Evans