Connie is creating space for self-care and teaching others to do the same

Connie is creating space for self-care and teaching others to do the same
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Prior to the pandemic, Connie had just ended a 21-year second marriage. She moved into a small apartment on the other side of Chicago - on her own. It was her first time living alone.

“I wasn’t accustomed to living alone. I went from living with my parents to being married. Someone was always there even if it was my children. I’d never lived alone until now.”

The shift wasn’t easy. However, before long, Connie was using this time to pursue her passions like art and writing. As a natural storyteller, she was excited to have the time to work on her memoir. She had put these passions aside while raising her children.

“To be happy, you have to learn to live with yourself with no one else around and I had accomplished that. Everything was great.”

The Pandemic Strikes

Then the pandemic hit. Suddenly, the apartment felt smaller. Connie found herself walking in circles. She couldn’t connect with family. There was lots of fear all around.

Connie reached out to a therapist for support and started doing therapy online. Through therapy, she learned methods and processes to help her adapt.

“The first thing I had to overcome was that I had no control over the pandemic or what was outside my apartment. However, I could control here [her apartment].”

Slowly, she started to create a schedule and self-care spaces.

Finding GetSetUp

She established spaces for journaling, invested in bath salts and candles, and carved out pieces of paradise within the space she had by making tiny adjustments. To help her sleep, she found a 6-hour meditation from Norway on Insight Timer, a free sleep meditation app. Sleep was a pleasure again.

“Creating safe spaces is all about controlling what is in my control. I recaptured all those wonderful things I used to do - not just before the pandemic - but also before I had children or got married. I listened to the music I used to listen to like ‘Moonlight Sonata’ by Beethoven. That piece always grounded me when I was an undergraduate student and stressed out.”

Embracing Community and Learning

Connie also discovered GetSetUp, a platform that offered her a variety of classes and a community of peers. Through GetSetUp, she joined art classes, writing workshops, and social groups that kept her engaged and connected.

GetSetUp's classes like “Art for Beginners” and “Creative Writing for Seniors” were particularly beneficial. Connie felt supported and valued, knowing she was part of a community that encouraged lifelong learning and growth.

“GetSetUp helped me stay connected and continue pursuing my passions. The community and classes were a lifeline during a very isolating time.”

Thanks to GetSetUp, Connie turned a challenging situation into an opportunity for growth and connection, rediscovering the joy of her passions and the comfort of a supportive community