Find your Guide: Spotlight on Deb

Find your Guide: Spotlight on Deb
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Discovering GetSetUp During a Challenging Time

Deb found GetSetUp just as the COVID-19 pandemic was shutting down schools and limiting activities. She had been working on a career pivot, focusing on narrowing her organizational development consulting and training business to leadership coaching. However, when the pandemic hit, everyone’s focus shifted to crisis management. After reading an article about GetSetUp’s need for Guides to help teachers transition to online teaching, she immediately applied, feeling it was an opportunity to make a difference during a challenging time.

“I was hungry to do something and felt so confined by the circumstances of the pandemic. It felt like divine providence when I read the article about GetSetUp’s need for Guides. I didn’t have any online teaching experience, but instead of immediately counting myself out, I submitted my resume within a day. Within weeks, I was in training and preparing for my first class—teaching Google Classrooms to teachers.”

Finding Inspiration Through Learning and Teaching

Deb has always been inspired by learning and exploring new things, which has been evident throughout her life. Recently, she found an old vocational interest survey from the 10th grade, revealing her top interests: Agriculture, Art, Training, Teaching, and Counseling. From today’s perspective, she sees how each of these interests has woven into her career, volunteer work, and hobbies.

“I follow my instincts and learn for the love of a subject without necessarily having an endgame in mind. It’s been interesting to see how that has played out in my later career choices, volunteer experiences, activities, and hobbies. Learning new things is what keeps me excited about life. So many of those things I explore just for the joy of learning them are coming out in what I am bringing to GetSetUp.”

Art, one of her long-standing interests, recently found its way back into her life with the help of a talented friend who taught her how to create glass mosaics, stained glass windows, and beaded jewelry.

“Sometimes those people come into your life at just the right time to walk with you on the next part of your path.”

Deb is thrilled that GetSetUp has become that “especially talented friend” for thousands of seniors who share her love of learning. She’s excited to add to others’ knowledge and skills, appreciating the interaction and relationships formed within this learning community.

“We learn together in these classes. We laugh. We have fun. I want people who come to my classes to feel like they’re sitting in my living room, that we’re talking and learning together. I feel a class is a success when participants feel comfortable enough to chime in with questions, ideas, or stories.”

Building Connections and Learning Together

Deb is regularly inspired by the people in her classes. For example, during a Thanksgiving Social Hour, one participant named Kathy shared that, despite being alone for Thanksgiving, she was going to make a turkey with all the trimmings for herself because she was worth it. Kathy’s words inspired Deb to do the same for her and her husband.

It’s hard for Deb to pick a favorite class, but she particularly enjoys those where participants leave feeling excited and eager to try something new—whether it’s a new recipe, new skill, or a new app.

“Wow! I can’t wait to try that!”

Deb is also participating in holiday special classes like Baking Cookies to Enjoy and Gift! She appreciates the interaction with people from all over the world, especially when they turn on their cameras and engage in the smaller group conversations that emerge from these interactive sessions.

“Everyone comes with a different reason and goal to be there. If it is just to be social that’s fine, or if it is to learn a particular skill, or walk away with a new recipe—those are all important skills!”

To learn more about Deb, from how cats just find her to how to make Kombucha, attend the next Get to Know Your Guide session she hosts. GetSetUp continues to feature amazing Guides who lead classes and create connections in these fun social hours.