Find your Guide: Spotlight on Glenda

Find your Guide: Spotlight on Glenda
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Glenda truly embodies the spirit of lifelong learning. After turning 50, she went back to school to earn her Master’s in Education. Before that, she used her undergraduate degree in Business to work in consulting and technology. However, she realized she was spending more time training and helping people, which led her to shift toward online education. The flexibility of online teaching appealed to Glenda, who saw it as a way to continue working for at least another 20 years if she chose.

Glenda first connected with GetSetUp through a job advertisement she received via email for Guides.

“I was already teaching online and I thought I can do that! Plus it sounds like fun! I thought it would be nice to teach other older adults.”

The Joy of Teaching and Learning with GetSetUp

Glenda loves teaching others and believes learning is an especially important skill for seniors because it opens up new opportunities for exploration and growth.

“I am considered a senior myself even though I’m at the younger end of senior. So it is really interesting and exciting to be working for GetSetUp. Not only do I get to play a part in maybe helping someone that is 10 or even 20 years older than me, but I also get to keep on learning new things. So it's a win-win situation.”

For Glenda, GetSetUp offers the perfect platform to combine her passion for teaching with her love of learning. By working with older adults, she not only shares her knowledge but also gains new insights and skills, ensuring her own growth continues alongside that of her learners.

Her experience with GetSetUp has been deeply rewarding. She finds joy in helping others discover new interests and develop new skills, all while continuing to expand her own horizons. For Glenda, every class is an opportunity to learn something new.

GetSetUp enables Glenda to connect with seniors from various backgrounds, fostering a vibrant community of learners who support each other’s growth. Whether she’s teaching or learning, Glenda’s journey with GetSetUp exemplifies the powerful impact of lifelong learning.