GetSetUp: A Platform for Lifelong Learning and Community Engagement

GetSetUp: A Platform for Lifelong Learning and Community Engagement
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Ina, a retired registered nurse and former Navy veteran, has found a valuable resource in GetSetUp, a platform offering diverse classes and community sessions for older adults. Thanks to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Library of Michigan, Ina can access the platform free of charge, discovering opportunities for learning new skills and connecting with others.

"I started in 2020 and got involved in just about everything. I really like the tech classes that show how to use iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch, and how to utilize Alexa. I have gone to so many different ones and learned so much," Ina says.

Learning and Trying New Things

Ina's experience on GetSetUp has reinforced the importance of learning and trying new things as a key component of lifelong learning. She has taken classes on gardening, trivia, cooking, music, and more.

"I have learned more about different things than ever before. I have also discovered a passion for trying new things. In a fitness class with (Guide) Pilar, I learned more about my feet than I anticipated. I never knew that our foot had so many muscles in it. Plus, I learned the benefit of buying a little ball to exercise my feet so they are not so stiff,” Ina shares.

Ina also benefits from learning from other participants in the classes.

“Just listening to all the people talking about different things helps me learn new ideas and concepts," she says.

One of Ina's favorite classes has been about organizing her affairs to relieve her loved ones of extra work when she passes away, allowing her to make key decisions about her care and burial.

“I’m in my senior years and I don’t want people to worry about what would mom or grandma want. I’m participating in getting a big book together of my wishes, so they have no questions. I don’t want there to be any squabbling over what Mom wants. And Guide Lee has added different things to that class over the years based on suggestions other people have made.”

Repeating this class regularly for new insights and working on her own book of wishes has helped her feel more empowered about the decisions to be made as she ages and when she’s gone.

Community and Connection

Ina values the sense of community and connection that she has found on GetSetUp, especially during the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Living in a log cabin on the Muskegon River in rural central western Michigan, connecting with people isn’t always easy.

"I really recommend GetSetUp classes because it's such a diverse group of people to learn from, and people are very patient. The guides are so patient, but the learners are as well," Ina says.

She appreciates the support of the Guides, who provide patient and helpful assistance throughout the classes, in the notes after classes, and sometimes join and participate in community sessions as well.

"I like it when I get online, and the Guides recognize me with a friendly greeting. It's nice to see that the Guide remembers me too."

At 71, Ina is still helping her local community, offering assistance to Amish midwives in delivering babies. This keeps her active locally, but she also values her virtual community.

“These classes get you up and doing different things. Plus, it’s nice to hear the diverse accents. I listen to people speaking from New York, and it brings me back to the time I spent there as a nanny. Plus, then I can participate in the conversations and talk to people.”

Libraries as a Technology Resource

As a member of the Friends of the Library, Ina recognizes the important role that libraries can play in promoting learning and technology.

"It would be nice if the local librarian had a class at the library to introduce older patrons to GetSetUp and all the classes. It may help them to have a local community member show them how to access the site. Plus, for those without devices or internet at home, they can access GetSetUp at the libraries that have the technology," Ina suggests.

Ina appreciates the flexibility of the GetSetUp platform, which allows her to watch classes at her own pace and sends her reminders for upcoming classes.

"I'm also grateful for Michigan Health and Human Services and the Library of Michigan, who have said that our classes are free. That is a huge, huge benefit for seniors, and there are so many different class times. I just want this to continue. I love learning new things, and with GetSetup, there are no risks. It gives so many options for us seniors who want to learn more and keep our brains active."

Through her experience on GetSetUp, Ina has found a stimulating and supportive environment for learning as she ages. She values the variety of classes and community sessions offered on the platform, as well as the sense of community and connection that it provides.

Bring GetSetUp to your organization

We partner with Medicare Advantage plans, dual eligible plans,  healthcare providers, Departments of Health & Human Services, Government aging services and more.