GetSetUp creates regular community togetherness by highlighting Jewels of the Community

GetSetUp creates regular community togetherness by highlighting Jewels of the Community
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The GetSetUp community is a vibrant group of interesting individuals who have so much to share. To highlight these incredible stories, GetSetUp created Jewels of the Community. This series is a special place where members can come together to learn from the diverse experiences of their peers, reminding us that our community learners have as many valuable insights to offer as our Guides!

Learning Life Lessons Through Shared Stories

If you enjoy learning life lessons through others’ stories, Jewels of Our Community is the perfect series for you. In these sessions, community members openly share stories filled with honesty and wisdom gained from their various life adventures. Each story offers a unique perspective, providing valuable insights into living well as an older adult.

Get to Know the Faces of GetSetUp

Jewels of Our Community not only allows members to get to know each other better but also highlights individuals who have made significant contributions to improving the lives of older adults. Whether you’ve seen these members in different GetSetUp classes, social events, or interest groups, this series offers a deeper look into their lives and experiences.

Join us in celebrating the amazing people who make up the GetSetUp community by attending Jewels of Our Community sessions, where every story shared is a gem worth discovering.

Bring GetSetUp to your organization

We partner with Medicare Advantage plans, dual eligible plans,  healthcare providers, Departments of Health & Human Services, Government aging services and more.

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