How SCSEP Can Help Older Adults Return To Work

How SCSEP Can Help Older Adults Return To Work
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If you're an older American struggling to find a job or looking for the next step in your career, this program might help. The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) provides training and work experience to low-income people over 55, helping them get back into the workforce—or back out of it, if they prefer!

How Does It Work?

  • SCSEP is a federal program that provides job training and employment opportunities for low-income, unemployed adults 55 and older. It is operated by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL).
  • The DOL contracts with local public agencies to operate local projects (known as SCSEP Employers) that provide these services to eligible applicants in their communities.
  • Individuals who apply will be given a one-on-one meeting with an employment counselor. This counselor helps them assess their skills, interests, work experience, and other factors related to their ability to find or keep a job. They also help determine which types of jobs are likely to be available, develop a strategy for applying for jobs, set personal goals, and identify barriers they may face in finding or keeping work. The counselor also helps access community resources that might help them achieve those goals, complete assessments (such as literacy skills tests) to get appropriate training if needed, create resumes or cover letters, practice interviewing techniques, obtain job referrals from SCSEP Employers, and receive ongoing support after finding employment until they are able to achieve self-sufficiency.

What Are the Benefits of This Program?

The SCSEP job program is a great way to gain skills and experience, earn money, find a job that pays more than you’re making now, and even get health insurance benefits. You’ll also have the opportunity to work full-time or part-time in your field of expertise.

You can choose from several different types of jobs:

  • Part-Time Jobs: You will work about 20 hours per week at an hourly rate of $10 per hour. Your employer may offer health insurance coverage as part of their benefits package.
  • Full-Time Jobs: As a full-time employee, you’ll receive health care benefits as well as paid vacation time.
  • Jobs with Benefits: If this is what you want out of your career, then no worries! With the SCSEP program, there are many opportunities for those who want it all—both paid vacations and health insurance coverage throughout their career path.

Getting Back Into the Workforce

Participants receive on-the-job training that leads to a certificate or academic credit hours toward an associate degree in business administration or office technology. They also receive an hourly wage while they are receiving the training. Once they complete their coursework, they then have access to subsidized employment at community service organizations (such as local community centers) where they can use their skills in activities such as tutoring children with disabilities, helping veterans apply for benefits, or working with seniors at nursing homes and senior centers.

The SCSEP is a great program for those older Americans who don’t want to retire and are looking to get back into the workforce! This program offers many benefits, including paid training, job placement with local nonprofits, private employers, or government agencies, as well as useful skills such as computer literacy. If you would like more information on how this program can work for you, then reach out to your local American Job Center today.

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