If you can't help everybody — start with somebody

If you can't help everybody — start with somebody
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People often ask how to help seniors who are intimidated by technology. Many older adults may not have a smartphone, tablet, or even a computer with a microphone or camera, making it a real challenge to get them online—but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try!

My “aha” moment came when I asked my Dad what he wanted for his 90th birthday. He replied, “I’d like an Apple Watch.” I was impressed and panicked at the same time. At 52, I find my own Apple Watch complicated, frequently relying on Google and YouTube for help. But a 90-year-old? Did this mean I was going to be his remote "Geek Squad"?

It took me a while to process, but in the end, I thought, why shouldn’t he get the Apple Watch? Millions of others have it. It bothered me that his request bothered me.

The Birth of GetSetUp

My friend and trail running partner, Neil, and I often shared startup ideas during our runs. Neil, with his ed-tech background, and I, with my experience in consumer internet and enterprise software, came up with an idea: re-skill retired educators to teach older adults software and apps. It was one of the coolest—and seemingly hardest—ideas I had ever heard. I was intrigued and thought, we need to figure out how to do this!

So, I quit my job and joined Neil at GetSetUp as his co-founder. We set out to build and scale an online platform where older adults would train other older adults on software and services to lead more productive, happy, and healthy lives.

Neil and I were both passionate about solving this problem. We were amazed to learn that the older demographic is projected to make up 25% of the overall U.S. population in the next 20+ years. Yet, most businesses failed to recognize the uniqueness of this large and important group. These users were not DIYers or self-onboarders simply watching YouTube videos, yet companies expected them to do so. We were going to solve this problem by letting older adults train older adults!

Teaching Tech in a New Way

So, how were we going to do this? There was no easy answer. Part of the reason nobody had done anything like this at scale before. We conducted research by questioning friends, family, and colleagues, and through surveys and interviews. In the end, we decided to launch with Zoom as our initial video product to provide live group sessions and one-on-one sessions for our initial curriculum.

We started a few months before the COVID-19 outbreak, focusing on empowering the 50+ segment to learn new tools, stay active, and even start small businesses. Then the pandemic hit. Suddenly, everyone was quarantined and needed technical help with online communication tools (Zoom, Gmail, Facebook), ordering groceries (Instacart), and more.

It all sounded great—we thought we had something for everyone. But they had to be able to get online and install Zoom to access our classes, and many couldn’t.

Helping One Person at a Time

We made countless videos to help people sign up for our classes and learn how to download Zoom. We exchanged hundreds of emails, spent late nights on our site’s chatbot, and even hopped on the phone or FaceTime to help people update their browsers to download Zoom. We realized that if we really, really tried, we could get most of them online and into a video class via their computer, maybe an iPad, and sometimes a smartphone.

Each time we did this, we felt like we were making a difference—not because we could help everybody, but because we helped one more person feel more productive and more connected. We are honing our skills at getting everyone online, one learner at a time. We hope you come and check out our classes, which we are always updating to meet the needs of our community. Join us!

Bring GetSetUp to your organization

We partner with Medicare Advantage plans, dual eligible plans,  healthcare providers, Departments of Health & Human Services, Government aging services and more.