Learner spotlight: Haya travels the world from her desk through GetSetUp classes

Learner spotlight: Haya travels the world from her desk through GetSetUp classes
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Haya grew up in Israel and came to the US to study English. She thought she would stay a year but ended up getting married and setting down roots.

“Fifty years later I have no regrets. Once I was here I liked it immediately.”

She worked hard to become an attorney in Chicago. As an only child, she felt guilty leaving her parents in Israel, so she promised to visit at least three times a year. To make it feasible, she became a TWA employee. Back then, she could fly first class for just $10. So she kept her promise to her parents and added a lot of extra traveling in there as well.

Finding Solace in Technology

At 72, technology wasn’t intuitive for Haya.

“I am not easy with technology. I wasn't brought up with a computer. But now I will look and see what is going on for the day on it. I love the webinars and GetSetUp classes. Those are what saved me during the COVID time. I am not depressed at all because even though I’m scared of COVID and hardly leaving the house, I have so many outstanding events and things to learn online.”

Haya was already tuned into webinars and other online events when she came across GetSetUp.

“I found out about GetSetUp totally by accident. I am in a group of people who have a weekly writing workshop. One of the women there mentioned GetSetUp, and she recommended it. So, I decided to check it out.”

Haya took a couple of classes on and off but took three classes on Christmas, which got her hooked.

“It could have been a sad day. My closest friends are too carefree with COVID, and I’m a fanatic about health. So I felt I couldn’t go to the couple of parties I was invited to for Christmas. So I signed up for three consecutive classes with GetSetUp instead. It was a lot of fun, one after another, and you saw some of the same people there. Norman then encouraged people to volunteer to be ambassadors too, so I answered the call!”

The Birth of the GetSetUp Travel Around the World Interest Group

Haya talked with Norman, GetSetUp's Customer Success Manager, about some ideas for interest groups that she could lead. After hearing about her extensive travel background, Norman suggested travel as a theme.

“I thought that would fit since I’ve traveled extensively for the last 50 years.”

Haya tried to create a good group setting that encourages participation so people come back.

“When I run a group it’s not to tell my adventures of traveling. That's not the purpose in my mind. It’s to make everyone enjoy the discussion on travel and feel a part of it.”

The secret to making people feel a part of a group is ensuring everyone can relate to the experience according to Haya. She believes good groups focus on what the group wants to talk about, not just what the leader wants to talk about.

“Once you start traveling and see the world, you realize it's not scary. It’s big, fascinating, and adventurous. Travel becomes everything, and it’s like an addiction.”

Traveling the World from Her Desk

Unfortunately, Haya will have to wait a bit longer before her next adventures abroad. However, she has set up a regular schedule of activities for herself daily during the pandemic online.

“I think the online classes initiative is terrific. It’s allowed me to connect again.”

Haya says she misses her real travel adventures badly, but her online activities continue to be good substitutes. Now they are helping her to travel from home.

“I feel great and don’t feel punished because of the pandemic. For someone as sociable and adventurous as me, I could have had depression with this new reality. But I don’t feel constrained or prohibited. I have the world here at my desk!”

Haya led the group for a few weeks before passing on the leadership of the travel interest group to another leader, Chris G. Despite shifts in discussion leaders, the travel interest group is going strong!

Join Haya and other learners in the GetSetUp community to explore new adventures and connect with fellow travel enthusiasts!