Linda Finds Clover Health Insurance A Step Above The Rest Thanks In Part To Their Partnership With GetSetUp

Linda Finds Clover Health Insurance A Step Above The Rest Thanks In Part To Their Partnership With GetSetUp
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Linda first found out about GetSetUp from her health insurance plan, Clover Health. She feels lucky that she has had access to this amazing resource and has been sharing it with everyone she knows in the Philadelphia area!

“GetSetUp is so advantageous - I like the fact I can do it any hour of the day. I can wear my pajamas if I want to. I don’t have to get into the car and go to a class. I just see nothing but pluses for the program.”

Not all health insurance plans are the same. Linda has had a few. She believes that Clover has really taken the time to step above the rest with a variety of memberships and health benefits for members.

“I’m a member of two gyms with Clover Health Membership and I use them both depending on what part of town I’m in. I’m very happy with my Clover Health Membership. I have had memberships with other health insurances and Clover Health so far has exceeded my expectations.”

A Reason To Get Up And Get Moving

When Linda began using GetSetUp, she started with a computer class then added classes on photos, Gmail, Windows 10, and Zoom classes. While technically retired, she still teaches sewing out of her home and sells things online. Due to COVID-19 she has had to switch some instruction to Zoom, and finds it an asset to see on GetSetUp what other teachers are doing to teach online.

She recently got into the GetSetUp fitness classes as well. She enjoys Binda's yoga class on Wednesdays.

“It was a nice surprise to have a yoga teacher from India. She’s very good!”

Her favorite classes though, have been Stacy’s morning fitness classes where she is learning great new exercises that she hasn’t even seen past personal trainers using.

“The truth is I don’t like to exercise. It’s the last thing I want to do, but I know I have to. Stacy makes exercise cheerful. She motivates me to get up at 8 AM and jump around with her.”

The exercise classes are helping Linda to feel better all over.

“I like the fact that I’m feeling better after taking these. I can tell a difference because I think Stacy is making me use the small muscles more than the big muscles. She’s focusing on moving your body just a little so it almost feels like physical therapy.”

Linda also had a chance to take classes with one of GetSetUp’s Guides in Australia on microgreens. She became so passionate about this class that she stayed up until 11 PM her time to take the class during the Australian morning. The class enables Linda to start growing her own microgreens at home, including broccoli sprouts, celery, and carrots. Many of her new plants she grew by taking pieces from vegetables she had bought at the store and started to nurture them to grow.

“You just put them in water. The nice thing is you can move them around the room depending on if they need light or not and you don’t need land.”

Learning One New Thing At A Time For Her Business

Linda has lived in Ecuador and Colombia, she’s raised two trilingual daughters, and her family has hosted 12 foreign exchange students. She’s clearly doesn’t see herself just sitting around and doing nothing! She likes the idea of having a little business of her own. This has motivated her to learn how to use her computer as efficiently as possible.

“I want to be able to use Instagram and Facebook for my business. Even though I might learn a little thing in each class - it is one thing more thing than I knew before. I like to look at it as I know a little more than yesterday.”

One of the most helpful classes Linda took was about Nextdoor.

“After I took the class I went on the Nextdoor site. It took me a while to find the different sections but eventually, I was able to click the right buttons.  Had I not taken the class, I couldn’t have done it on my own.”

Linda had already attempted to use Nextdoor before but couldn’t figure it out from the site alone. She even attempted to contact the local people who were supposedly coordinators for Nextdoor in her area, but no one responded.

“Without the GetSetUp Guide’s help, I wouldn’t have figured it out. But after the GetSetUp class, I put my ad up on NextDoor and even got one student from it. So right there I could see my efforts translate into money with a new customer!”

That’s not the only class helping Linda earn some extra money. Guide Scott taught a class on how to sell things on the internet.

“I always sell things on eBay but the class motivated me to revisit some of the listings I had on there. I actually sold some golf clubs there because he motivated me to add a new listing. They sold in two days!”

Linda plans to keep taking classes to support her small business teaching sewing. She’s currently teaching 10 children and 8 adults in one-on-one classes. In her classes, she helps them with their sewing goals, and in her free time, she makes masks, ornaments, and other sewing crafts.

See what you can learn to stay healthier, enhance your business and do things you never thought possible–like Linda–by joining us for a class on GetSetUp!