Mary is reinventing herself in retirement and one of the many ways is through GetSetUp

Mary is reinventing herself in retirement and one of the many ways is through GetSetUp
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Mary, a Kaiser plan member, found out about GetSetUp a few weeks ago through a friend on the TEDx team she had worked on. Since her retirement, Mary has been challenging herself to try new things and reinvent herself. One of her recent accomplishments includes a 2019 TEDx Talk titled Blackholes and Bananas: How Science Helps Us See The Unseen, based on her work for NASA. Additionally, she will appear on a game show airing in May 2021—though she’s keeping the outcome a secret for now!

Embracing New Adventures

After decades of working as a software engineer and in technical training and marketing, Mary is ready for new adventures.

“I’m on the younger side of the older adult demographic, since I turn 50 this year, but I’ve been working with this demographic for a while.”

During the pandemic, she worked with Oasis to help seniors via Zoom and has been marketing her husband David Putnam’s bestselling crime novels.

Technology Customized for Older Adults

Mary has extensive experience in technology and as a tech trainer, but she was thrilled to discover GetSetUp—not just because of the classes, but because of the technology itself.

“Talking about the silver linings of COVID, I have gotten to use my skills to help people, and learned more skills myself with all the new online options!”

She appreciates that GetSetUp’s interface is specifically designed for older adults.

“The fact that GetSetUp was started from the ground up with the interface specifically designed for older adults is a game-changer. It is super clean. You just click on it. For the demographic, this is so huge! It is a simple platform that was built to be interactive over the internet, not just an online component plastered on. I really appreciate that.”

Mary believes that having instructors who are peers of similar ages sets GetSetUp apart.

“I know a lot of people concerned about ageism and getting jobs in their 50s. It’s nice to have a variety of classes taught by such knowledgeable professionals.”

Lifelong Learning and Goal Setting

Even though Mary used to train others on technology tools, she still enjoys joining the technology-based classes at GetSetUp.

“I took Tips for Gmail even though I've used Gmail for years. There are always little things that you can still pick up and learn. Like how to send a confidential email. I didn’t know how to do that before or even that it was an option.”

She also enjoyed Kevin’s goal-setting class that helped her align her goals. Now, she is participating in the follow-up mastermind class, which meets regularly to help hold goal-setters accountable and help them manage their goals.

Join Mary in Exploring New Opportunities

Mary’s journey with GetSetUp showcases the platform’s ability to support older adults in their quest for lifelong learning and personal growth. Join her and discover how GetSetUp can enhance your life, too.