Maryellen’s Bridging the Tech Gap and Expanding Learning in Michigan

Maryellen’s Bridging the Tech Gap and Expanding Learning in Michigan
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At 75 years old, Maryellen is still working and loving it. As a librarian in the small Michigan village of Empire, she sees firsthand how important lifelong learning and digital literacy are — especially for retirees who rely on the library for socialization and resources. That’s why, when she discovered GetSetUp through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, she immediately saw its potential.

“I learned about GetSetUp through work, and I want to promote it to our patrons,” she said. “Most of our library visitors are retirees, and if they don’t go somewhere warm for the winter, they come to the library to connect with others. GetSetUp is the perfect link for them.”

Bridging the Tech Gap with GetSetUp

Maryellen considers herself a “tween” when it comes to technology—caught between older adults who never needed tech and those who had to adapt to it for work.

 “I didn’t have any formal technology training,” she explained.

“I’ve taken online classes at universities and through the school district, but it’s always been hit or miss. GetSetUp has helped me stay current and up to date.”

She’s especially grateful for the pace of the tech classes, which are purposefully designed for older learners. 

“The instructors start from scratch and go at a pace I can follow,” she shared. “Younger people teaching younger people tend to go too fast, but GetSetUp guides make sure we understand. That’s been a huge asset. They take you through the learning process from scratch and allow you to follow along.”

Some of her favorite technology classes have included:

Mac and smartphone basics

Online safety and scam awareness

Selling items online

“I’m in the middle of a class on selling things online, which is a whole new venture for me as I try to declutter my home of 50 years,” she said. “That’s valuable information, and I’ve already shared what I’ve learned with others interested in selling on eBay as they sell their house and downsize.”

Health, Wellness, and Learning at Her Own Pace

While Maryellen has explored health and wellness classes, she prefers shorter sessions that fit her routine. “I’m not physically fit, so the 30-minute fitness classes are too long for me,” she said. “But I’ve found shorter stretching and yoga classes that work better and I’m hoping to work up to longer sessions in the future.” 

She also loves the variety of topics GetSetUp offers.

“If you can’t find something on GetSetUp that interests you, you have a problem!” she joked. “I even saw a class about hair scratching which I get with winter hat irritation—I never expected that!”

The Power of On-Demand Learning

Because of her busy schedule at the library, Maryellen prefers to take on-demand classes. “I always join in later or watch recordings—that’s more my comfort level,” she said. “If my dog wants to sit on my lap, I can pause, take a break, and come back when I’m ready. It’s perfect for my lifestyle.”

Although she hasn’t taken a live class yet, she’s interested in exploring community sessions and learning how they work. “Winter is the perfect time to explore more,” she said. “For those who can’t get out, this is just wonderful to have.”

She recently took a class on scammers in dating. Not because she’s currently looking to date, but for awareness.

 “I found some tips that apply to everyone and just generally offered a raised awareness of scams. I found it interesting and useful,” she said. 

She’s also interested in learning more about AI through GetSetUp classes. 

“I want to get my feet wet and learn more about AI because I know it’s not all negative, and I just don’t know enough about it yet,” she mentioned. 

Promoting GetSetUp to Her Community

As a librarian, Maryellen sees GetSetUp as a game-changer for older adults.

 “Anything I can do to promote GetSetUp, I will,” she said. She’s already working on sharing pamphlets and has requested a presentation to introduce the program to her library patrons.

“I think once older people get over their fear of technology, they’ll feel comfortable using computers,” she said.

“GetSetUp is an awesome program with so many classes. I feel privileged to take these classes, and I always take the time to evaluate the instructors because they are truly fantastic.”

Looking Ahead

Maryellen hopes to continue learning and growing with GetSetUp. “I just got an Alexa for Christmas, so I’m excited to learn how to use it,” she said.

She’s also interested in knitting classes—specifically learning how to make four-needle mittens and socks. Reflecting on her experience, she couldn’t be happier with what GetSetUp has provided her.

 “The choices are amazing,” she said. “Hats off to the instructors for sharing their skills—what they’re offering is so important.”

Through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Maryellen has discovered new skills, expanded her knowledge, and is now helping others do the same.

 “I really think GetSetUp is an incredible program,” she said. “And I’m excited to share it with as many people as I can!”

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