Pam is pursuing her passions and sharing her skills with others virtually

Pam is pursuing her passions and sharing her skills with others virtually
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“I checked out GetSetUp after getting a message about it from my community center. I was immediately drawn in. The classes were right up my alley of things I wanted to learn!”

Pam P. is a Michigan Department of Health and Human Services learner. She usually takes about 2-3 classes a week and now also is also helping to assist in about 2 a week as well with either Guides Deb or Donna. She started assisting classes by bringing her scone recipe to Deb’s class. Since then she hasn’t stopped highlighting other great recipes of hers in Deb's classes.

“I don’t like to cook normally, just baking, which is why I have helped Deb with baking recipes. GetSetUp has helped to make cooking seem possible. Deb makes it look easy.”

Pam realized that cooking isn’t that big of a deal and she probably won’t burn the house down. Having a nice community to share her cooking experiences with has helped to make cooking more possible.

What initially attracted Pam to GetSetUp were the technology classes. Considering the Covid shutdowns she knew that she needed to learn more about technology. She felt GetSetUp was the perfect spot to do so.

“I feel I’m in the same crowd as others in class. It wasn’t intimidating to unmute and ask questions. Plus what a great way to learn technology without having to bug my husband who is normally the IT guy in our home.”

Pursuing her passions on GetSetup

While Pam was working as a nurse and raising a family she was too busy to really follow her passions and hobbies. There just wasn’t any spare time left over.

“Suddenly, GetSetUp gave me a place to explore my hobbies. I love learning and meeting other people who are interested in similar things.”

Pam has always been interested in photography and took the time during lockdown to learn more about it. Now she’s using her photography skills to tie in with her cooking skills by taking pictures of the food she’s cooking.

The art of cooking and taking better photographs all tie into Pam’s passion for art. She’s a huge fan of art overall and loves looking forward to Donna’s bi-monthly art museum tours.

“You can learn all you want online touring the museums but to have someone leading it makes it more interesting and they can add more to it. Plus it gives you an opportunity to talk about what you are passionate about and others who like to hear about the same topics.”

Pam has joined the drawing club which is growing as well.

“One of the club members said her daughter got her a pencil kit the other day. That’s so great because it means she's talking about drawing club with her family. It’s rewarding to know that someone is really enjoying the group so much!”

One of the positives of the pandemic is that online education is more accessible. GetSetUp Guides are there to help walk you through your questions.

“It’s nice to see there is a user-friendly platform very accessible to those with limited technology skills. And a community that is very understanding and supportive of questions.”

Pam continues to enhance her technology skills. She knows that technology is really unavoidable. So she’s always interested in learning more technical skills and refreshing her memory or learning concepts she didn’t catch the first time.

Now Pam is loving the opportunity to explore her passions. She is getting comfortable sharing her skills and interests with others virtually. Sometime down the line, she may consider turning some of her passions into a new career path or side gig. She’s realized through helping to facilitate classes that she’s has a lot of value to add through her hobbies.

“I’m very grateful GetSetUp is here. It’s been a game-changer for me. I never had a place to engage with others in things I have been interested in my whole life, like art. GetSetUp gave me that opportunity.”

Join classes on topics you’re passionate about with Pam!

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We partner with Medicare Advantage plans, dual eligible plans,  healthcare providers, Departments of Health & Human Services, Government aging services and more.