Phil's Journey: From Insurance Claims Adjuster to GetSetUp Guide

Phil's Journey: From Insurance Claims Adjuster to GetSetUp Guide
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Phil, a retired insurance claims adjuster, has always been inspired by the strength and beauty of old architecture.

"It's incredible to think about how 2000 years ago the Romans built things that are still standing. Especially considering they did it without any of the technology we have today," he marvels.

A Passion for Architecture and Teaching

Phil's love for architecture led him to explore the works of renowned architects like Frank Lloyd Wright, which he now shares with others through GetSetUp.

"My favorite class is about Frank Lloyd Wright’s architecture," he says, relishing the opportunity to dive deep into architectural history with fellow learners.

Teaching comes naturally to Phil. Over the years, as he advanced in his career, he found himself coaching and mentoring more often. "Like most people, I had trouble speaking in front of groups at first. But I got better at public speaking the more I did it. After retirement, I started teaching," he recalls. This experience has made him a confident and engaging instructor on the GetSetUp platform.

Helping Others Stay Safe

While architecture is his passion, Phil also takes great pride in teaching a class that has a more immediate impact on his learners' lives.

"The class I enjoy teaching the most focuses on scams and frauds," he explains.

"As we age, we become bigger targets for scams through email, mail, and our phones. I always tell learners that we want to enjoy life and not be scared, but take an extra second to think when online. People find this class helpful, and it is satisfying to help others."

Phil's expertise in navigating tricky situations from his insurance career makes him particularly well-suited to teach this course. He provides practical advice that helps older adults protect themselves from the increasingly sophisticated scams targeting them.

Embracing Life's Adventures

Outside of teaching, Phil enjoys the beauty of his city.

"I love the Chicago lakefront. From April to November, I enjoy walking, riding my bike, and observing the lake's scenery. I also like to take photographs and watch how the lakefront evolves," he shares.

On weekends, Phil and his wife indulge their adventurous spirits by traveling locally and internationally.

"With the pandemic, my wife and I have been trying to take day trips and local trips to explore. I’m looking forward to traveling to England once it’s safe," he says with anticipation.

Through GetSetUp, Phil not only continues to pursue his passions but also connects with others who share his interests. Whether he's discussing the intricacies of Roman ruins or offering vital tips on avoiding scams, Phil is making a meaningful impact on his community.

*Authored by Jordan Evans