Rediscovering Passion: Vijay Suri's Journey with GetSetUp

Rediscovering Passion: Vijay Suri's Journey with GetSetUp
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Vijay Suri, a 65-year-old retiree from Delhi, spent her career working in the Public Dealing department at Hindustan Times. Now, she enjoys exploring arts and crafts, always approaching life with a can-do attitude. Her journey with GetSetUp began when her sister, already a participant, introduced her to the platform.

Vijay’s first class was the Arts and Crafts Workshop, where she was impressed by the patience and detailed instructions of the host. Initially, she joined as a silent observer, but by the end of the session, she was eager to become an active member of the community.

"I was a silent spectator in the first class, just looking at what she was making and who was attending. In the end, I said, 'Hum Bhi Aapke Saath Rehna Chate Hai' (I would love to be a part of this community). And now, in every class, I sing!" says Vijay.

Rediscovering Old Hobbies and Learning New Skills

One of Vijay's proudest accomplishments is learning to journal. During GetSetUp's Journaling Challenge, she wrote 31 stories, reigniting her passion for writing.

"I wanted to learn to write. During the GetSetUp Journaling Challenge, I wrote 31 stories! I loved it," she shares with enthusiasm.

Vijay has also begun revisiting hobbies she cherished in her younger days, including stitching, knitting, painting, and crocheting. Through GetSetUp, she is relearning these skills from scratch and finding joy in every moment.

"In my younger days, I learned how to stitch, knit, paint, and crochet, but over time I got out of practice and forgot how it’s all done! Thanks to GetSetUp for giving me the opportunity to re-learn everything from scratch. I love it," she says.

Life Lessons from Vijay

Vijay's journey is a testament to the power of lifelong learning and staying active. Her advice to others is simple:

"Be happy always, and don’t worry. Stay in the present. Nothing is impossible to learn. So show interest and learn new things."

Through GetSetUp, Vijay has found a vibrant community where she can continue to learn, grow, and share her passions with others.