Health & Wellness
Aug 12, 2024

Ron's Digital Leap into Retirement

Ron's Digital Leap into Retirement
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Ron, a recent retiree with over 30 years in the greenhouse industry, discovered a new season of personal growth through GetSetUp. At 67, he spends as much time outdoors as he can, gardening and landscaping. Located just outside Columbus, Ohio, Ron began his journey with the platform as a benefit of his Medicare Advantage health plan through Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield.

“It was good timing since, in January, you are stuck inside a lot, and I was new to being retired. When I saw these classes, I was like, wow! I took some 60 classes. They are a plethora of information. Topics you don't find easily and see in other places.”

Digital Literacy and Tech Savvy

As he took classes on his iPhone, he realized the value of expanding his digital literacy to adapt to retirement.

"I've watched a bunch of Wade's classes to learn how to use my iPhone—the new tech was overwhelming at first," Ron explained.

The extensive range of classes available on GetSetUp provided him with invaluable insights into managing and utilizing modern technology.

"It's stuff you don't find in other places, and I've been feasting on the variety of information," he added, emphasizing the depth and choice of content that GetSetUp offers.

Physical Wellness and Fitness

Ron’s active participation in GetSetUp has spanned from tech tutorials to fitness classes, all tailored to his needs as a senior.

“Before I retired, my assistant updated me on all this tech stuff. That’s why GetSetUp is good now that I’m retired. I can keep up by keying into all these classes," he remarked.

His engagement reflects a seamless transition from his professional life into embracing the digital world in retirement. In terms of physical health, Ron has particularly benefited from GetSetUp's fitness offerings. He had always assumed he was in good shape since he did a lot of physical labor, but his doctor shared with him the importance of augmenting his physical activity with core strength exercises and weight training.

“I committed to taking better care of myself physically. I found Stacy's Core Strength Training fitness classes, were geared toward my demographic. The seated training appealed to me, filling the gap in my routine," he stated.

These classes not only aligned with his physical needs but also provided a routine that enhanced his overall wellness.

Security and Scam Awareness

Furthermore, Ron praised the scam awareness classes, which have equipped him with crucial skills to identify and avoid online scams.

“The scam classes are really timely. I learned about checking the email addresses and the vernacular used in scams, which helped me sort through and prevent potential threats," he shared.

He had previously received scam emails from whom he thought was his go-to wholesale club or shopper rewards from his favorite DIY retailer. They would ask for his personal information to complete the survey or claim the award. He hadn’t realized that it was so easy for people to get information from texts or prizes. Often his wife recognized scams around undelivered packages or others, but these classes really helped him to recognize some of the common scam techniques and prevented him from falling victim to a fake email.

This knowledge has proven essential in safeguarding his personal information and financial security. He’s particularly enjoyed Phil and Lee's classes around financial planning, scam prevention, and estate and emergency planning.

“These classes are very timely and targeted. I got caught up in all of them,” he said. “I think you guys do a great job, and I brag about these classes to lots of people.”

Ron took a class by Guide Lee on creating an electronic version of an emergency binder for passwords, doctors, and other important information. His public library had a class on the same thing in physical paper form. Ron shared the GetSetUp class with the librarian and explained how it could be shared digitally.

When Ron looks for aging-related topics or resources he would first consider going to GetSetUp. GetSetUp has enriched his post-retirement life and broadened his skill set while also fostering a sense of community and continuous learning.

“Keep doing what you [GetSetUp] are doing," Ron concluded, affirming the positive impact of GetSetUp on his daily life and encouraging others to explore its resources.