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Tincidunt pharetra at nec morbi senectus ut in lorem senectus nunc felis ipsum vulputate enim gravida ipsum amet lacus habitasse eget tristique nam molestie et in risus sed fermentum neque elit eu diam donec vitae ultricies nec urna cras congue et arcu nunc aliquam at.
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At mattis sit fusce mattis amet sagittis egestas ipsum nunc. Scelerisque id pulvinar sit viverra euismod. Metus ac elementum libero arcu pellentesque magna lacus duis viverra. Pharetra phasellus eget orci vitae ullamcorper viverra sed accumsan. Elit adipiscing dignissim nullam facilisis aenean tincidunt elit. Non rhoncus ut felis vitae massa. Elementum elit ipsum tellus hac mi ornare et elit. In dapibus.
“Amet pretium consectetur dui aliquam. Nisi quam facilisi consequat felis sit elit dapibus ipsum nullam est libero pulvinar purus et risus facilisis”
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Rosa, a committed case manager and social worker in New Jersey, discovered GetSetUp while seeking ways to enhance the lives of the seniors she works with. Instantly captivated by the platform’s broad range of classes, Rosa found that it benefited her personally and offered valuable resources she could share with her clients as she helps them solve problems.
“I love the program, and I’m very grateful for that,” she remarked, recognizing the potential it holds for the community she serves. “I first took classes to understand the program to share with other seniors who I work with. I have also shared with a few friends and neighbors.”
Her initial interest in GetSetUp stemmed from her own health goals to stay more active and eat healthier. Rosa has already put into practice what she’s learned, particularly enjoying the workout and healthy cooking classes.
“I learned to make a delicious salmon dish from a GetSetUp class, and my husband and son loved it,” she shared. “Plus the workout teachers are excellent, I especially love Jennifer and Stacy.”
These classes have become essential to her routine, helping her maintain her well-being while balancing a busy work schedule. She especially enjoys that the fitness classes have different levels as she prefers the energetic and combo workouts.
“I prioritize the workouts and healthy cooking classes for my own health reasons and because I think of my family. It’s been good to learn to make new healthy salads for them and other recipes.”
She is also learning mental health strategies like motivational classes and gardening.
“The class 'how to take care of plants' was wonderful. It was a very relaxing class, and I learned a lot. The variety of GetSetUp classes is excellent because you can choose based on how you feel that day. If I feel active, I can work out. If I want to think, I can choose classes more about emotional well-being and how to grow as a person.”
However, Rosa is particularly excited about the platform’s Spanish-language programming, which she plans to introduce to the seniors she manages through her social work.
“One barrier for her clients could be the technology, but there is also a language barrier,” Rosa explained.
Rosa sees the immense value Spanish programming can offer to the Hispanic seniors in her community. She is eager to share these resources through group sessions to ensure they can overcome any technology and language hurdles.
The ability to access classes at any time has been a significant benefit for Rosa because of her busy schedule. The flexibility of taking classes on her own time has allowed her to stay engaged and motivated. Whether she’s in the mood for an energetic workout or a reflective session on personal growth, GetSetUp provides the variety she needs.
Rosa is also considering ways to integrate GetSetUp into her local community center, especially through culturally relevant fitness classes that will augment their current Latin Zumba classes. She hopes to project these classes in the center, making them accessible to more seniors who could benefit from the physical activity and social connection they provide.
As a case manager, Rosa understands the critical role that resources like GetSetUp can play in the lives of seniors.
“Our seniors need information on Medicare and finance for retirement,” she pointed out. GetSetUp can be a resource that can help them navigate these complex topics at any time.
Rosa is not only enhancing her own life but also paving the way for her clients to benefit from the diverse offerings of GetSetUp.
“With what I know now, I can participate more, and as a case manager, I can help others access these Spanish-speaking classes,” Rosa concluded, excited about the positive impact this partnership will have on her community.
We partner with Medicare Advantage plans, dual eligible plans, healthcare providers, Departments of Health & Human Services, Government aging services and more.