Spotlight on Deval Delivala Co-founder and CEO of GetSetUp India

Spotlight on Deval Delivala Co-founder and CEO of GetSetUp India
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From Uber to GetSetUp: Deval Delivala's New Mission

Deval Delivala, a founding investor in GetSetUp, previously spent eight years as one of the first twenty employees at Uber, where she helped launch the company in international markets. In her most recent role, she led supply growth for India and initiated multiple projects such as safety programs, vehicle financing, and leasing. Devals first connected with GetSetUp Co-Founder and CEO, Neil Dsouza, while serving together on the board of an education non-profit. As they worked together, Neil shared his vision for GetSetUp, which immediately captured Deval's interest.

“Over the past few years, I have known Neil to be an exceptionally dedicated and bright entrepreneur. When he explained his idea of helping upskill seniors to me, I was keenly interested. I recognized the need and scope of such a service and was confident that Neil and Lawrence were the right people to do it,” she says.

Today, GetSetUp is the fastest-growing social learning and engagement platform for older adults, and Deval has taken on the role of CEO of GetSetUp India and co-founder.

Why Build GetSetUp?

Deval’s personal experiences fueled her passion for GetSetUp. “My husband and I would joke that almost all our visits to our parents were turning into tech support sessions. I worked at Uber for 8 years, so I was the default support person (still am) for any app issues. The problems faced by the 50+ generation are real and call for an immediate solution. Not only is the range of apps overwhelming, but the lack of awareness of tech could lead them to further issues and scams."

Driven by a desire to create a global platform where older adults can learn, socialize, stay fit, and contribute to their communities, Deval envisions GetSetUp as a safe space where seniors can explore new tools, learn without judgment, and engage in an empathetic community. “Why should older adults be left behind? Why not empower them? By teaching them classes on Shopify, Canva, and digital marketing, we bring them into the creator economy,” she says.

Parallels Between GetSetUp and Uber

Reflecting on her experiences at Uber, Deval notes similarities with her work at GetSetUp. “At GetSetUp, much like with Uber, we solve a real problem affecting a large section of the population. There is a natural product-market fit. At the heart of it, we have a robust product that is scalable and relevant across geographies. In both cases, the first-to-market advantage is crucial for our mission to service larger populations.”

Deval finds her work with GetSetUp deeply fulfilling.

“It's fulfilling to offer a product to our audience, see them use it, appreciate it, and grow from it. Seeing them feel empowered by it is deeply gratifying.”

Her goals for GetSetUp are clear:

“Empower older adults to embrace technology, come online, and create with us anywhere in the world.”

Deval is focused on expanding GetSetUp's reach in Asia by offering classes in more countries and languages. She is committed to ensuring that the platform continues to meet the evolving needs of older adults by providing new, engaging, and diverse classes.

The Importance of Education for Older Adults

“Education is essential for everyone at every life stage. In this context, older adults already have their rich experiences and wisdom from a long life. Once they learn some of the newer tech tools available to them, they can express better and continue engaging with their communities. It’s about empowerment and relevance. In fact, with tech on their side, it is the younger generations that would benefit from their collective wisdom,” she explains.

Deval initially chose to invest in GetSetUp because she recognized the changing landscape for seniors.

“We are witnessing a shift in our immediate senior generations. With better medical and infrastructure support, people are living longer and better. Hence, they are active well beyond the conventional retirement age of 65. My father works over 80 hours a week at 67. He is constantly buying new gadgets and learning advanced Excel to stay on top of what he needs for work. My grandfather-in-law oversaw his company, multiple non-profits, and his school until the age of 90. We really need to build technology and tools for this generation, and it is the fastest-growing demographic too. No one is building for this demographic - which is the largest, fastest-growing, and richest generation in most parts of the world.”

GetSetUp was founded to create economic, social and educational opportunities for older adults, and in the 15 months since its founding, has achieved significant growth in partnerships and platform usage, including more than 1.2 million users in 160 countries and multiple partners, particularly in the health and wellness industry. During the past three months, GetSetUp users around the globe have logged more than 4 million active minutes on the platform by accessing the 500-plus hours of programming available each week. GetSetUp has localized sites in Australia and India, as well as in the U.S., and will soon launch sites in Singapore, Canada and the United Kingdom.