Startup Accelerator Spotlight: Adele

Startup Accelerator Spotlight: Adele
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Adele, a part-time marketing director living in rural Montana, is a Jill-of-all-trades with a career that has spanned publishing, marketing, PR, retail, theater, gardening, and historic preservation. Her other passions include art, writing, and creating.

"Somebody called me a logical creative. So I work with databases and list management, but I love creating."

Going Home Again

Her family is from a small town in Montana with a population of 126. She spent most of her adult life in Los Angeles but always wanted to move back to the family home. Her dream was realized when she moved to the house her great-grandfather built as an original homesteader in the town. Across the street is an old garage property that her great-grandfather, a blacksmith, had owned. Over time, it changed hands and, most recently, sat empty for eight years.

On a whim, she bought the building with a vision of having a retail boutique and plant store, aptly called Flashback Garage. She's also building an online store and is working on growing her inventory and is adding WooCommerce, an eCommerce platform for online businesses, to her website.

Last year, she became a seed distributor for two different seed companies, got a nursery license, and plans on selling seeds and plants as well as hand-crafted items and vintage-themed gifts at her boutique.

Adding Beauty to the World

She's passionate about upcycling and carefully curates things that interest her and repurposes them so that they're appealing and have added value.

"I love bringing beauty into the world. I mean, that's kind of my passion. I like making beautiful things. If I don't have to buy new, that's great because we don't need all these new things cluttering up our houses and our lives and contributing to environmental issues. So anything that I can buy, use and recycle, that's what I want to do."

Community is important to Adele, so in addition to her own creative work, future plans for Flashback Garage include making it a venue for local artisans and crafters to display their work and sell it.

Setting Goals with GetSetUp

While she's up to speed on technology, she has found the budgeting and goal-setting Startup Accelerator classes on GetSetUp very useful. She feels the program has helped her focus.

"My website was on the back burner, but now I'm really focusing on it. And I have a dormant comedy podcast called Half Pint Cafe that a friend and I used to do. It's set in an imaginary locale much like mine, with really goofy characters and customers. We've reconnected and are gearing up to record new episodes centered around Flashback Garage."

In addition to all her work with her business, she's writing her second children's book, Lunch at Grandma's Trailer.

We can't wait to see how her creative endeavors grow! Keep track of her in the GetSetUp Startup Accelerator classes.