Startup Accelerator Spotlight: Steven

Startup Accelerator Spotlight: Steven
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Steven, a retired dentist, is deeply committed to helping people manage stress. His journey began about ten years ago when he collaborated with NuCalm to test a system aimed at reducing anxiety, particularly dental anxiety. Steven explains,

“What I find with dental anxiety and fear is that most people are triggered by a childhood event, either real or imagined. The system was successful at eliminating and minimizing anxiety and fear because, basically, your brain cannot be in fear mode and relaxing at the same time. The system puts their brain in an Alpha state, which is what you experience going to sleep.”

Developing the Optimal Performance System

His company, Performance Research, LLC, has developed a system called "Principles for Optimal Performance." Steven tests this system on athletes, NASCAR drivers, attorneys, and airline pilots, all of whom face high-stress situations.

“The ideal consumer customer is somebody who understands the importance of controlling their stress. The key here is to be calm because that's when you can be an optimal performer. I teach people to learn to respond, not react.”

Through his participation in GetSetUp's Startup Accelerator program, Steven is developing tools to advance his ideas further.

“I’m developing a podcast, blog, newsletter, and website. I’ll use NuCalm as the base and then go into the coaching, which is the custom part of my business.”

Steven regularly attends the Startup Accelerator classes on online marketing and social media, which have been invaluable. He is also planning to add videos to YouTube to explain his principles and the power of having a positive attitude.

Embracing a Positive Mindset

Steven believes in the importance of a positive mindset.

“The only thing you have is right now. Because the past is past and the future is unknown. The future is opportunity mixed with difficulty. So the question is, do you see the opportunity or do you see the difficulty? The key is to see opportunity because it's not always in the form we expect it to be in. The more stressed you are, the harder it is for you to see anything right in front of you.”

Join the Journey

Be sure to book your spot for Demo Days! Entrepreneurs over the age of 55 compete for up to $10,000, where Steven and other participants in the Startup Accelerator will pitch their business ideas to a panel of judges. They’ll be evaluated on the clarity of their business description, market analysis, creativity, and how they plan to use their funding. They'll also compete for a chance to win up to $10,000 to help their venture grow.