May 29, 2024

Step on stage with Senior Theatre

Step on stage with Senior Theatre
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Step on stage with Senior Theatre  

There is a type of theatre for everyone and one of the major trends in the US since 1999 has been senior theatre. Senior theatre is designed specifically for older adults. It is estimated that there are over 800 groups worldwide since 2016, according to Aging Well Magazine.

No matter your age it is never too late to take to the stage to perform, for the first time or get back up there and ‘break a leg’ metaphorically speaking. Theatre is the perfect way to explore yourself. For those just starting out, or getting back on the stage, senior theatre is made especially for performers who are 55+ with theatre customized for older adults. Local groups are often run by retirement centers, community theatre amateur theatre groups, or professional theatre companies.  One of the beauties of theatre is that it can be flexible and adapt.