Teacher Appreciation Week : Spotlight on Customer — Marina

Teacher Appreciation Week : Spotlight on Customer — Marina
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Teachers are all around us. They come not just in the form of our awesome Guides but are also our learners. We want to take the time to appreciate the teachers who come to classes to learn more in order to use their new knowledge to keep giving back to their community. In reality, that makes almost every adult learner that comes to take a GetSetUp class a teacher too! Each learner has something unique that they can share with the world. GetSetup is passionate about setting them up with the tech, app, and software tools so they can continue to teach, whether that’s teaching a new skill to a grandchild, leading a college course, or helping to teach team members a new skill. Learners almost always go on to be teachers!

We would love to appreciate all of our GetSetup learners who go on to be teachers in their communities, but today we want to give a special thank you to Marina who has helped to shape education across the country.

Marina Walne has a Ph.D. from Stanford and is an Education Consultant with more than 38 years of experience. She started out as a high school physical education teacher and went on to set up one of the first blended learning schools in the county. She has helped teach others how to create strong schools and her current project, ‘school-in-a-kit,’ seeks to help teach entrepreneurs how to start a blended learning school anywhere in the world.

When asked about the secret to her success Marina said,

“The secret to success, in my opinion, is good mentors!”

Mentors are teachers, and we all need good mentors. Marina has been mentoring school professionals through her work to help create 8 successful schools giving opportunities to many other teachers to excel and continue to spread the joy of learning!

Marina came first to GetSetup when some of her friends invited her from church to join them as they sought out GetSetup Guides to learn more about Zoom in the course How to Stay Connected with Friends and Family.

Like many teachers, she found she already knew some of the information in a course, but that didn’t make it invaluable. She managed to still learn some new tools even in a basic course! According to her, “I learned how to cut and paste a meeting into outlook and I didn’t know these background screens.”

She went on to seek knowledge in areas that interested her more and attended the Purplepatch class which gave her key insights that she is now using to deal with changes brought on with COVID-19. She said about the class, “What I learned there was transferable to life and not just fitness. He talked about setting up routines and how you thrive based on the routines you set up. I have a friend that is a psychologist and she said that is exactly what she teaches her clients who come to her with mental distress routines — getting up eating, exercise, etc. With COVID-19 my husband and I have been able to focus on routine more.”

Whether it is learning new Zoom tools and skills to share your experiences with others or taking a seminar to apply to your overall life GetSetUp has a number of class sessions to help ensure that all seniors and adult learners 50+ have the most modern tools to continue to share their knowledge and move forward on their path of life-long learning, and teaching.

We want to give a special thanks to Marina for helping to teach how to build great schools. Plus we admire her drive to learn throughout life in order to keep sharing her knowledge and teaching the world, one person at a time, how to make the world a better place. We appreciate her hard work!