The Cookbook Project is expanding

The Cookbook Project is expanding
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We received hundreds of recipes from around the world for our first-ever Cookbook Project. Our global community came together to cook, explore, and share their recipes and stories. In the process, they formed lasting friendships, learned new cuisines, and showcased their creative flair. What better way to connect than over a good meal!

Expanding the Cookbook: More Recipes, More Stories

Due to the enthusiastic response to this project, we're excited to announce that we've extended the recipe submission deadline to the fall of 2022. While the first phase of the project focused on plant-based recipes, we're now broadening the scope of the cookbook. The sky's the limit:

  • A recipe handed down from generation to generation
  • A dish your family requests every year during the holidays or for special occasions
  • Comfort food that takes you back to your childhood
  • A recipe you've adapted to make it healthier
  • Your favorite go-to dish

Submit appetizers, main dishes, salads, soups, sides, or desserts. Any recipe you've inherited, created, or adapted to suit your tastes is welcome. And feel free to submit as many recipes as you’d like!

How to Submit a Recipe

To submit a recipe, simply fill out our form with your details, the origins of your recipe, and directions for making the dish.

If Your Recipe Is Selected

  • Our team will connect with you and share details on the next steps.
  • You will be interviewed by one of our team members for an article that will feature across our social channels!
  • You will get to co-host a cooking class with one of our Guides on GetSetUp and demonstrate your recipe to our global community.
  • You stand a chance to get featured in our cookbook.

Decisions by GetSetUp are final and binding on all matters relating to this Cookbook Project.

Why Participate?

  • Share Your Passion: If you love cooking and are passionate about food, this is an opportunity to share your love with others in the community. Even if you believe your recipe isn’t that special, trust us—it is. Your dish could create a special connection with someone in our community.
  • Break Cultural Barriers: Sharing your family or favorite recipe with the community helps break cultural barriers and brings people closer together.
  • Make a Difference: Over the last year, our community has connected and made a difference in each other's lives by improving food choices, exploring global cuisine, and introducing new cooking techniques. Your recipe and cooking skills could make a difference in someone’s life.

We can't wait to see what you cook up next! To submit a recipe, click here. If you have any questions regarding the project, send us an email at, and our friendly customer team will be happy to help you.

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