Egestas tincidunt ipsum in leo suspendisse turpis ultrices blandit augue eu amet vitae morbi egestas sed sem cras accumsan ipsum suscipit duis molestie elit libero malesuada lorem ut netus sagittis lacus pellentesque viverra velit cursus sapien sed iaculis cras at egestas duis maecenas nibh suscipit duis litum molestie elit libero malesuada lorem curabitur diam eros.
Tincidunt pharetra at nec morbi senectus ut in lorem senectus nunc felis ipsum vulputate enim gravida ipsum amet lacus habitasse eget tristique nam molestie et in risus sed fermentum neque elit eu diam donec vitae ultricies nec urna cras congue et arcu nunc aliquam at.
At mattis sit fusce mattis amet sagittis egestas ipsum nunc scelerisque id pulvinar sit viverra euismod. Metus ac elementum libero arcu pellentesque magna lacus duis viverra pharetra phasellus eget orci vitae ullamcorper viverra sed accumsan elit adipiscing dignissim nullam facilisis aenean tincidunt elit. Non rhoncus ut felis vitae massa mi ornare et elit. In dapibus.
At mattis sit fusce mattis amet sagittis egestas ipsum nunc. Scelerisque id pulvinar sit viverra euismod. Metus ac elementum libero arcu pellentesque magna lacus duis viverra. Pharetra phasellus eget orci vitae ullamcorper viverra sed accumsan. Elit adipiscing dignissim nullam facilisis aenean tincidunt elit. Non rhoncus ut felis vitae massa. Elementum elit ipsum tellus hac mi ornare et elit. In dapibus.
“Amet pretium consectetur dui aliquam. Nisi quam facilisi consequat felis sit elit dapibus ipsum nullam est libero pulvinar purus et risus facilisis”
Placerat dui faucibus non accumsan interdum auctor semper consequat vitae egestas malesuada quam aliquam est ultrices enim tristique facilisis est pellentesque lectus ac arcu bibendum urna nisl pharetra bibendum felis senectus dolor commodo quam elementum sapien suscipit qat non elit sagittis aliquam a cursus praesent diam lectus tellus mi lobortis in amet ac imperdiet feugiat tristique nulla eros mauris id aenean a sagittis et pellentesque integer ultricies sit non habitant in cras posuere dolor fames.
Navigating the aging assistance options can seem a bit daunting at first like a game of chess, and even though people are living longer and healthier lives, there may still come a point where they need extra care. Future planning can help aging adults and their loved ones choose the best type of care to support them through this shift. Future planning helps to assure assistance is available and makes sure financial costs don’t come as a shock.
When it comes to options for older adult care there are a lot of options with their own fancy buzz words floating around and this can be hard to navigate.
These are facilities that are set up specifically for older adults. Different facilities provide different levels of care.
Independent Living (IL or ILF)
Assisted Living (AL or ALF)
Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)
Continuous Care Retirement Community (CCRC)
Not everyone needs or wants to move to a care facility. Many people would rather age in place, where they stay at home and feel comfortable. Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t if it is feasible?
According to the CDC, “Aging in place is the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level.”
As the boomers age into older adults, most of them are seeking ways to age in place and stay at home. In order to help assist in aging in place, a number of home and health care services are available.
Health Care services tend to focus on medical services provided to older adults by doctors or nurses. Meanwhile, Home Care generally indicates an umbrella service that offers a variety of customizable medical services and caregiving services that facilitate daily living tasks. These have been broken down into different categories that are often add ons or bundled together in packaged services.
At-Home Physician Care
Nursing Care
Occupational and Physical Therapy
Social Services
Companionship Services
At-Home Dietary Support
Transportation Care
Home Health Aides/Caregivers
The basics of daily living are not the only essentials to living healthily as you age. Staying connected to a community, keeping up-to-date with technology, and economic opportunities are all factors that many older adults consider essential to aging well.
That is why GetSetUp partners with many of these home care service providers and care facilities to ensure that these needs are addressed. GetSetUp helps older adults by providing classes on a variety of topics from health and wellbeing to technology that are taught by their peers. Older adults from any walk of life can attend live interactive sessions with peers to learn how to use basic technology from iPads to Zoom classes. Plus there are many classes that go beyond the basics for continued technological learning and growth on a variety of topics from meditation to staying positive and exercise to doodling.
GetSetUp is helping to build a live virtual and interactive community for older adults. Community and purpose mean that people do not feel socially isolated and this can help prevent the negative side effects of loneliness such as dementia. This engaging community of learners is not only a great way to meet new friends but it helps older adults to learn and stay engaged in a community of their peers, which often lifts their spirits and improves their overall well-being!
One learner Carol said, “I can't tell you how much I love . . . I sometimes take 4 classes a day. . . I am enjoying the social aspect of some of the classes, which is also very important for mood and staving off dementia. I find keeping my mind and body active has enhanced my quality of life and ability to focus on mental tasks.”
It’s never too soon to start to think about caring for yourself or a loved one.
Why not start by joining a community that fosters learning and personal growth?
We partner with Medicare Advantage plans, dual eligible plans, healthcare providers, Departments of Health & Human Services, Government aging services and more.