Independent Living
Sep 17, 2024

Unlocking the Future of Active Aging: Insights from GetSetUp’s 2024 Active Aging Report

Unlocking the Future of Active Aging: Insights from GetSetUp’s 2024 Active Aging Report
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The landscape of aging is evolving rapidly, and GetSetUp’s 2024 Active Aging Report shines a light on how older adults are navigating this change. By analyzing data from over 5.27 million online activities and surveying 1,701 users, the report offers crucial insights into the digital lives, health priorities, and challenges faced by active agers.

Why Download the Full Report?

Digital Literacy Growth: Older adults took over 863,563 classes on digital literacy, reflecting a strong desire to integrate technology into their daily lives.

Holistic Health Focus: With 45.9% of participants engaging in daily physical activities and 27.1% in mental health programs, there’s a clear shift towards prioritizing overall wellness.

Economic Empowerment: Financial security remains a top concern, with 233,954 classes taken on finance and employment topics, highlighting the need for ongoing education.

Explore these insights and more in the full 2024 Active Aging Report. Download it here to see how GetSetUp is leading the way in redefining aging through community, education, and innovation.

GetSetUp 2024 Active Aging Report