Through its partnership with Sacramento Area Agency on Aging 4, GetSetUp enriches Darlene’s retirement with free classes that boost health, well-being, and skills.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and Library of Michigan partnership case study
Eating more plants is one of the best things you can do for healthy aging.
With support from her local area agency on aging, 86-year-old Ruth from Florida boosts her health and wellness through GetSetUp’s classes, fostering growth and connections.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and GetSetUp, an online learning and discovery platform designed specifically for older adults, has expanded its partnership for the third year in a row to combat social isolation and to keep older adults mentally, physically and socially active by providing Michigan residents age 50 and older an additional 500,000 free virtual classes across a range of topics.
Thanks to her Senior Connection Center, Anne has improved her health and wellness through GetSetUp’s classes, staying active and engaged in retirement.
With help from Greater Sacramento Agency on Aging Area 4, Jen has enhanced her life through GetSetUp’s classes, gaining social connections and tech confidence.
Empowering Active Aging: GetSetUp Athletes Inspire Seniors Nationwide with Remarkable Results and Dedication to Physical Excellence at the National Senior Games
Mike Adsit is a Michigan resident who is heading to the National Senior Games. As part of the GetSetUp Athlete program, Adsit, a 73-year-old endurance cyclist from Plymouth will represent the state and GetSetUp at the event.
Joyce, a Medicare Advantage Plan member with Aetna, discovered GetSetUp through her local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) in Chicago.
GetSetUp empowers older adults like Ellen to achieve their fitness goals and improve their quality of life through sponsorship and supportive community programs.
Ina a retired RN and former Navy veteran enhances her skills, explores new interests, and connects with a supportive community through GetSetUp's diverse classes.