Bernadette Barton

Bernadette Barton

Bernadette is a psychologist by background and earned her degrees in Psychology and a Masters in Counselling at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. She has worked in both the counselling and organizational development fields. Some of the key competencies Bernadette brings to her work is coaching to enhance people’s skills in communication, conflict resolution, and emotional intelligence. Over her career, she’s developed a prime focus on helping people transform their limiting beliefs that has resulted in changes to the way they live and work. Bernadette also has a strong interest in emotional intelligence (EI), and how an individual’s EI influences their communication and relationships. She is certified in the Myers Briggs Indicator (MBTI) and is a Lean Certified Greenbelt. Bernadette is originally from Canada and has lived in Australia, USA, and currently resides in Vancouver, Canada.

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