Deb Livingston

Deb Livingston

Deb Livingston is an alumnus of Shippensburg University where she studied Psychology with a business focus (BA,MS) and became interested in exploring how personality types, human behavior, and motivation played out in organizations in ways that made them successful. Her 21 years working for a progressive employee-owned company as a trainer, internal organizational development consultant, and manager instilled a passion for creating the vision and conditions that would lead to a wildly successful individual and organizational success. She earned a Master of Education in Adult and Organizational Development from Temple University with an emphasis on Systems Thinking and went on to practice as an organizational development consultant and coach. She’s wired to learn and enjoys a breadth of subjects from personality types, to tech tools, to organic gardening and food preservation, to meditation and fitness. She is passionate about helping others find what they need to fulfill their own learning journeys. One fun fact about her is that she volunteered for over 12 years as an executive board member for a non-profit that saved a 185-acre farm from development and transformed it into an agricultural education center teaching organic, regenerative, and permaculture practices to the community and aspiring farmers.

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