Ellen Jaffe Jones

Ellen Jaffe Jones

Ellen Jaffe Jones is a popular speaker and author of 6 myth-busting health and fitness books, including Eat Vegan on $4 a Day and Vegan Sex, and has been written about or contributed to other books as a "fountain of youther." She is currently a nationally ranked sprinter and was the only athlete in her age group at the '22 National Senior Games to compete in all 7 track events (and placed in 3). She has placed in 256 5K or longer races for her age group since 2006 "just" on plants. She often gets pegged 20 years younger than her age and is a group fitness instructor for LA Fitness. She's also a fitness and cooking instructor for GetSetUp who sponsored her and paid her way at the Senior Games. As a vegan and runner for most of the past 41 years, she has been called by many, a social media influencer. She was PETA's 2014 Sexiest Vegan Over 50 after careers as an Emmy-winning Miami TV investigative/Consumer reporter, a Wall Street financial consultant, and a media consultant. Before her book tour caught fire, she taught the Food for Life classes when they were first created. Known as Earth Mother in a Suit, she was an accredited La Leche League leader when her 3 children were young. She is also a Florida licensed realtor.

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