Loneliness is overwhelming America’s seniors - live interactive learning is preventing it

Loneliness is overwhelming America’s seniors - live interactive learning is preventing it
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As the saying goes—whether by George Bernard Shaw or Oscar Wilde—"youth is wasted on the young." As people age, many find their social circles shrinking, even as they have more time to socialize post-retirement. Unfortunately, changes in health, mobility, and the loss of friends and family can lead to a more solitary lifestyle. This issue has only worsened with social distancing measures, leaving many seniors overwhelmed with loneliness or sinking deeper into isolation.

A study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) found that adults aged 60 and older who reported feeling lonely had a higher risk of functional decline and death. This decline manifested in their ability to perform daily living activities, threatening their ability to live independently. If left unchecked, loneliness could seriously impact seniors' quality of life.

According to an article by the National Institute on Aging, "research has linked social isolation and loneliness to higher risks for various physical and mental conditions," including high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and even death.

GetSetUp: A Solution for Safe Socialization

How can seniors stay socially connected and safe to prevent loneliness from taking over? GetSetUp is ensuring that seniors have the opportunity to socialize through live interactive learning sessions. These sessions help prevent loneliness and combat its possible side effects by providing a platform where older adults can learn new skills, socialize, and gain confidence in a tech-driven world.

Guides, who are often seniors themselves, help onboard their peers through live video sessions where learners can ask questions, share their screens, and practice new skills. This empathetic classroom environment creates a sense of community and establishes social connections, even while seniors maintain social distancing. It also allows adult learners with limited mobility or health issues to feel just as much a part of the community as their more active peers.

Why Live Learning Beats YouTube Videos

Why can't seniors just watch a YouTube video or a recast webinar? First off, it's boring (even for someone with a few years left until 50). Secondly, the video and speaker are often not using the same version of the device or software you have, making it hard to follow. Thirdly, there’s no chance to ask questions. Fourthly, it's frustrating when the video moves too fast, causing the viewer to stop and restart it repeatedly. Most importantly, it does not help fight loneliness—in fact, it might make the viewer feel even more isolated.

Live Interactive Learning offers numerous benefits that can help prevent loneliness:

  • More seniors gain work opportunities as Guides.
  • Economic benefits for Guides, companies, institutions, and organizations as seniors become more empowered technology consumers.
  • Social connections are fostered in live classrooms, addressing an epidemic of loneliness that affects 3/4 of Americans.
  • Seniors learn alongside peers in empathetic, self-paced environments.
  • New friendships are formed, and a sense of community is built.
  • Seniors acquire new skills that empower them.
  • Classes are fun!

Join the Fight Against Loneliness

Do your part to reduce loneliness by teaching a new skill and mitigating the negative effects of social isolation. Learn how GetSetUp can ensure that your senior community stays engaged, connected, and equipped to battle loneliness through a potential partnership with your organization.