Passion to help people leads Anjoo to GetSetUp, and she's brimming with ideas!

Passion to help people leads Anjoo to GetSetUp, and she's brimming with ideas!
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Anjoo works part-time for the Health Education Library for People (HELP), a non-governmental organization that serves over 1,000 people. She heads the library and is responsible for both its physical and online activities. The organization provides more than 10,000 easy-to-read pamphlets and books, helping people find resources related to their health concerns. They also offer daily talks by health experts, including alternative therapy specialists, to educate the public on health-related topics. These talks are recorded and uploaded to their YouTube channel, ensuring the information reaches even more people.

“I’m a very passionate person when it comes to helping people, so that is in my nature. Now I am still working on a part-time basis to help people take better care of their health. We help people read up on issues and provide the daily doctor or specialist talks on health,” said Anjoo.

Discovering GetSetUp and Embracing New Skills

While the organization is currently closed due to the pandemic, Anjoo continues to work from home, eagerly awaiting the reopening. She has been with HELP for the past 15 years and thoroughly enjoys her work. Before that, she worked as a corporate banker, but it was at HELP that she found her true calling—helping people.

With the pandemic forcing closures, it was a difficult transition for someone used to being on the ground, interactively helping people.

“GetSetUp is helping me connect and remember old skills and pick up new ones. I am very excited about it, particularly since seniors in our culture are close with young people who learn from their wisdom. Now suddenly, I find we are on the other side of the fence and sometimes don’t know how to do things. This platform allows people to help people so much more with the experiences they have gathered.”

Anjoo was introduced to GetSetUp by a friend who recommended she try a class. She attended a session and was immediately hooked.

A Love for Learning and Future Aspirations

Anjoo’s first class was a 'Nutrition Social Hour', which she thoroughly enjoyed. She then followed up with several other nutrition classes and is now looking forward to upcoming hobby classes.

“There are so many more classes. You can explore with a group of people you connect so well with—that is fantastic! It is nice to find similar faces in each of the lectures.”

Anjoo is passionate about learning and looks forward to seeing more classes on topics like meditation, performing arts, dance, health support, and caregiving.

“Formal caregiving lecture topics are lacking, and support for those giving care is lacking in our country,” she said.

Anjoo believes that anything fun is good for everyone and finds GetSetUp to be a beautiful place for connection.

“GetSetUp is a beautiful place where we can connect with people, help each other, and be connected. Sometimes it cures loneliness. You may feel lonely because there are fewer people around, but in the sessions, you don't feel alone. You feel like you are so connected! Whether it is on the cellphone or laptop, we can help each other grow and share.”

Contributing to GetSetUp and Future Adventures

Anjoo is so enthusiastic about GetSetUp that she has already convinced others to join by sharing her experiences. She is also interested in becoming a Guide to teach classes herself, particularly on topics related to health that HELP addresses.

“I would like to contribute to the growth of GetSetUp. There is a lot of talent out there. I think this will help seniors to grow and come across new ideas. Many seniors don't step out to do activities. It is unlike in western countries, where seniors are still active. People are very dependent on children and the new generation. But I think that is changing now. Parents are starting to feel free to do other things and develop things. This will benefit society in a big way.”

Anjoo and her husband, who recently retired, are still planning many adventures and learning new things. They love to travel and hope to visit places like Switzerland, Austria, the UK, or perhaps the US once the pandemic is over. At the very least, they aren’t opposed to a little adventure, such as living in the mountains of India for a month.

Anjoo is taking her passion for learning on GetSetUp to the next level by considering how she can share her knowledge as a Guide. Join her and other lifelong learners to make friends, learn new things, and be part of a growing community of peers.

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