Re-Affirm Our GetSetUp Mission

Re-Affirm Our GetSetUp Mission
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At GetSetUp, we believe in the importance of not staying silent on essential debates. We reaffirm our stance as a company that supports and practices equal opportunities for all. As an equal opportunity work environment, we are committed to policies and practices that uphold this belief.

We recognize the value of experienced workers and are dedicated to fostering an age-diverse workforce, embracing diversity across all dimensions, including race, sexual orientation, religion, gender, and disability status.

Empowering Through Experience

Co-Founder Lawrence Kosick emphasized, “Garnishing the wisdom of our aging generation is how we empower not just our company but Americans in general. Those over 50 have a wealth of knowledge and talent, plus they will be 25% of the U.S. population in the next 20 years. GetSetUp provides economic opportunities for our Guides to do meaningful work and give back to their peer community through classes that help learners feel more connected, empowered, and engaged.”

GetSetUp is committed to ensuring that older adult workers have a level playing field in their ability to compete for and obtain jobs. This commitment is reflected in our hiring practices, where all applicants are considered on an equal basis, and in our dedication to creating economic opportunities for older adults.

Join the Passion Economy with GetSetUp

To further this mission, GetSetUp is launching the GetSetUp Marketplace, where older adults with a passion for teaching can apply and receive training to become exceptional online Guides. This platform allows them to showcase their skills and knowledge to over 20,000 members each month, providing a unique opportunity to join the passion economy.

At GetSetUp, we are proud to offer a space where older adults can share their expertise, stay engaged, and continue to contribute meaningfully to their communities.