Rebranding negative education ideologies through the benefits of life-long learning

Rebranding negative education ideologies through the benefits of life-long learning
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Education has often been misunderstood and undervalued throughout history. Once reserved for clergy and royalty, it was deemed unnecessary for many and even considered "unladylike." These past biases have left a lingering negative perception of education, leading people to focus more on its shortcomings rather than its benefits. Today, we see more complaints about learning than appreciation for its positive impact.

Why Learning Needs a Fresh Perspective

Learning is something we do daily—whether it's discovering a new recipe, reading an article, or picking up a new skill. From birth to our final days, learning helps us find our place in the world and create healthier, happier lives. It’s a continuous process that should be embraced throughout our lives.

Traditionally, learning has been confined to schools and formal teachers, but it happens everywhere—from family and friends to experiences and self-discovery. We need to move beyond the idea that education only occurs in classrooms. While traditional education is important, it’s just one form of learning. There is no single type of learning that suits everyone or addresses every need.

The Benefits of Learning

Rebranding Education for Older Adults

A 2014 University of Stirling study examined the barriers that prevent older adults from engaging in learning. Many draw from past negative experiences in school or college, which leads them to believe that continuous learning is futile, especially when compared to younger learners.

“It is quite common to encounter older workers who claim to be ‘too old to learn’ " (Liu, Courtenay, and Valentine 2011).

However, this is a myth—no one is too old to learn!

Learning opportunities have evolved, offering a variety of methods to meet diverse needs. One of the most prevalent forms of education today is online learning, especially due to the pandemic. However, many older adults may view online education negatively, as it often requires basic technology skills or self-motivation.

That’s why GetSetUp offers a novel and welcoming approach to flexible online learning and socialization for older adults. GetSetUp supports learners through phone calls and learner support to ensure they can participate fully in classes.

Through live, virtual interactive sessions, older adults can learn skills on topics ranging from technology to well-being that benefit them economically, cognitively, and socially.

Making Learning Accessible and Enjoyable

Classes can be taken as often as needed and are always conducted in an environment where Guides are open to answering any questions. Learners can join sessions that fit their schedule and can even plan ahead. Classes are an hour long, allowing for flexibility, and learners can easily continue with another class or advance to the next level.

Additionally, social hours offer opportunities to connect with peers, share experiences, and learn from each other on various topics—from meditating together to traveling from your living room.

Learning doesn’t have to be laborious or negative. It can be fun and fulfilling, enriching your life with new tools or concepts that interest you. Make learning a part of your everyday life and enjoy the countless benefits of lifelong education!

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