Repurposing and redefining your career after 50

Repurposing and redefining your career after 50
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If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that we must be ready to pivot—whether in life, plans, or careers. For those over 50, career pivots are nothing new, but now there’s a dedicated community to support this transition. Marc Miller founded Career Pivot back in 2007 during the start of the recession.

“I had been involved with a job club in Austin, and meetings exploded at that time to 400 people. I realized they all looked like me when I started to look around—people in their 50s.”

Many of these individuals had been laid off for the first time in 25 years, while others were simply looking for something to keep them busy or exploring new possibilities. Marc recognized that this demographic lacked customized support around career transitions, as many were assumed to be nearing retirement.

“The truth of the matter is about 80% of my cohorts can’t retire. It’s not economically possible for them, and many others don’t want to.”

Redefining Work as You Age

Marc’s experience with transitions is extensive. As a highly intelligent individual with a learning disability, he was used to bending the rules. During his 22 years at IBM, he worked in various areas, from word processing and drafting to 3D printers, eventually earning the nickname “the geek who could speak.” His career also included stints in consulting, marketing, non-profits, teaching high school math, and working with start-ups.

He realized that his pension wouldn’t be enough to cover his future, with skyrocketing health insurance costs being a major concern. This prompted Marc and his wife to move to Mexico for more affordable healthcare.

“A near-fatal bike accident, where a car hit me head-on, gave me a moment of clarity. I needed to pursue what I was passionate about.”

Thus, Career Pivot began as a coaching and consulting business for those interested in making career shifts. Marc also publishes books on Repurposing Your Career and is currently working on a fourth edition that will incorporate insights from the pandemic’s impact on work.

In 2016, after receiving a shocking $1,800 monthly self-employment health insurance bill, Marc and his wife explored becoming expats. This shift also led to changes in his coaching business, inspiring him to create an online community in 2017 where people could help each other with their career pivots.

Key Focus Areas of Career Pivot

In his focus group, which started with 14 participants, Marc identified three dominant areas of focus for those making career pivots:

  1. Freedom: Most people need to keep working but want to do it on their terms—choosing what, when, and how hard they work.
  2. Accountability: Many have been raised to be employees and need to learn how to manage themselves, their time, and their goals.
  3. Broader Horizons: Non-traditional employment is unfamiliar to many over 50, and they need exposure to these possibilities.

How Career Pivot Works

Marc designed Career Pivot to be accessible, offering a membership model at $39 per month. The community has a core group of about 20-25 members who have been with Marc for 2-3 years, while others come and go depending on their life stage.

To foster community, Marc encourages members to schedule weekly calls with another member, ensuring they have support and don’t feel alone on their journey.

“A common theme I hear from testimonials is that our accountability partners are essential. They have someone when something doesn’t go right to help pick them up, and they also have people to cheer them on when things are going well!”

Marc regularly brings in community members and outsiders to share their stories, with weekly community calls covering topics like Storytelling in Business. His certification in positive intelligence programs adds to the immersive experience.

The community is equally split between men and women, with about half the group over 60. Key insights include the importance of talking to others and paying attention to technological shifts.

“It’s interesting watching people’s mindsets shift through these experiences.”

Examples of Career Pivots

Many GetSetUp Guides have successfully pivoted from other careers. For example, Russ transitioned from the publishing industry to leading Guide classes on travel and writing.

“Vicki is a classic example. One thing that has changed with her is her worries focused on money alone. Watching her let go of that focus means she’s at a point where she can choose what she wants to do.”

GetSetUp has been a valuable resource for many in Marc’s community, helping them upskill in technology and explore their talents. Some members are also starting businesses, using the community for accountability. Currently, Marc oversees two mastermind groups with 6-8 people actively starting businesses.

“The community is a pretty huge group of people all looking at what’s next. Everyone is in various forms of pivots and there to help each other.”

For example, Steven, a former sexual abuse counselor until age 63, has tried working at a non-profit, spent last year remodeling his house, and is now exploring e-commerce. For stability, he works part-time for smaller organizations and is exploring a business opportunity involving vintage toy cars, with help from another community member who sells vintage toys.

“Together, the community sees many possibilities that they wouldn’t see on their own.”

Marc’s goal is to grow the community to several hundred members, creating a network where everyone can support each other. Whether members are looking for financial support options or new opportunities, Career Pivot offers the guidance and community they need.

“So much work nowadays you couldn’t even do five years ago. We are trying to get people to open up to the possibilities.”

COVID-19 has disrupted just about every industry and career path. It has accelerated the adoption of new innovative solutions as we have never seen before. It is no longer important that you have the experience, it is all about having relevant skills to deal with the disruption. We will discuss the types of disruption both temporary and permanent, the causes behind the disruption, and if you accept the challenge how to adapt to the changes and make and keep yourself relevant.

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